Gaming The Land Of Rival Kingdoms [Now Taking Applications]

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
The Land Of Rival Kingdoms used to just be a realm for a few friends and myself to enjoy ourselves on. However, we decided to make more out of it and open it up to new players! We have accepted 8/8 new players so far!

The concept of this realm is you are free to do as you choose, but we are going with a clan warfare type theme. At the same time, it is going to be a community realm as well. The realm spawn is a place of piece where people can build shops, farms, community builds, basically anything that is not a private home. Outside the spawn area is a world free to explore and claim. In the application below, you are asked to choose a clan preference. The main two clans at the time are the Lemons and the Vikings (backstory can be found on my YouTube channel (DaLemonKingMC) or in the Lemon Clan book.) You also have the options of starting a new clan, or staying neutral for the time being. We are trying to get as many people involved with the realm as possible and it will be a great time, whether at peace or at war.

Please feel free to ask any question in the comments, and the rules and details are listed in the application.

Realm Application:

Latest Realm Let's-play Video:

Clans Backstory: