Tips & Tricks The New Way To boost Your Views!

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Apr 19, 2016
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It would be amazing to have your views getting boosted to lot of extent! Well now You can easily ...just yesterday i came across a awesome Youtube feature...Well Its using HASHTAGS! and using hashtags you can surely boost you views! how? well check me out XD I have a decent tutorial on how can U GUYS BOOST YOUR VIEWS WITH HASHTAGS! credit me a bit if that helps thank you!

P.S well i cant share you link cuz i am not eligible to do it as per RULES..well you can always visit me by my Channel Signature Below!

Gods of Odds

Do you mean the tags in videos? Because everyone on YouTube should have them if they want people to watch their videos unless maybe they have millions on subscribers


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Freedom! Member
Mar 31, 2016
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well If you find my content worth help me in growing..a bit.
From what I see in your videos, your hastags didn't really affect your views. IMO, hashtags displease new viewers because they will think you're a 10 year old girl who is addicted to Twitter and Instagram.
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Apr 19, 2016
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From what I see in your videos, your hastags didn't really affect your views. IMO, hashtags displease new viewers because they will think you're a 10 year old girl who is addicted to Twitter and Instagram.
Well Thanks for it! But Thats what i told..Use tags professionally..Dont use tags for greed of more views! Peace :D


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Freedom! Member
Apr 19, 2016
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But the title literally says, "how to get more views." Now, you say don't use them for more views? Excuse me if I'm missing something.
Yup! LoL use it ... it is developed to get used but be careful on how u use it..check my video for the link to see HASHTAG POLICY and ofcourse thanks for reading the post! peace! :D


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Freedom! Member
Oct 27, 2014
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Hashtag policy? Is it something that you made up? Lmao

Lmfao you would think but sadly no... its basically a policy that says don't use misleading hashtags for the sake of views similar to the tags policy...

It would be amazing to have your views getting boosted to lot of extent! Well now You can easily ...just yesterday i came across a awesome Youtube feature...Well Its using HASHTAGS! and using hashtags you can surely boost you views! how? well check me out XD I have a decent tutorial on how can U GUYS BOOST YOUR VIEWS WITH HASHTAGS! credit me a bit if that helps thank you!

P.S well i cant share you link cuz i am not eligible to do it as per RULES..well you can always visit me by my Channel Signature Below!

I get that you are trying to help, however hashtags on youtube are nothing new they been around since like 2012 i believe however they don't belong on YouTube... You can however use a hashtag in the tags section and it will still help... However it will not help much the best time to use hashtags is in this section

That section is for twitter and google+ where hash tags are important.. The reason why your video was in the first page search results when you searched for it in the video(which you didnt post, my assumption is to make people goto your channel, shady and will piss people off) because you typed unique words that were in your title... that is the only reason... Your video is wrong and misleading and if/when people don't see increased views from your "tutorial" they will get pissed and you will get more hate then you can afford at this stage.. you need to know what you are talking about before you try to teach someone anything...

That was my two cents, I hope you took the time to read it...


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Apr 19, 2016
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Lmfao you would think but sadly no... its basically a policy that says don't use misleading hashtags for the sake of views similar to the tags policy...

I get that you are trying to help, however hashtags on youtube are nothing new they been around since like 2012 i believe however they don't belong on YouTube... You can however use a hashtag in the tags section and it will still help... However it will not help much the best time to use hashtags is in this section

That section is for twitter and google+ where hash tags are important.. The reason why your video was in the first page search results when you searched for it in the video(which you didnt post, my assumption is to make people goto your channel, shady and will piss people off) because you typed unique words that were in your title... that is the only reason... Your video is wrong and misleading and if/when people don't see increased views from your "tutorial" they will get pissed and you will get more hate then you can afford at this stage.. you need to know what you are talking about before you try to teach someone anything...

That was my two cents, I hope you took the time to read it...
Well I thought I would be explained well but looks like The Young Youtuber is pissed off by the arrongancy of the Big One!.. Peace :D


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Apr 19, 2016
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Um little bit confused on this but one thing I would say is PLEASE change resolution to something better and what is with music it ment to be a tip video not a rave lol + good mic would be better as your voice can be mumbles at times
Can u help me in it..cuz my Monitor is 1280x1024 and if I make it 1280x720p it just get stretched..