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Sleeping Wolf Games

New User
Freedom! Member
Jun 20, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello Freedom! community. Sleeping Wolf Games here and this is my introduction.

Sleeping Wolf Games is a Youtube Gaming Channel ran by two people OnyxSWpro and BEASTofPWN, or if you prefer our real names, Daniel and Bruce is fine. We started this Youtube Channel about 2 years ago. ( I know right 2 years ago and only around 52 subscribers.) We are in our mid 20's been friends over 13 years now, so we decided yeah we should do a youtube channel in 2014 but then life happened and we ended up putting it on hold for 2 years cause of life problems. Finally at the start of the year of 2016 it was time to make a comeback so faithfully we been posting everyday or in the span of 1 - 3 days. It's a struggle to balance life and video gaming but we try our best, maybe sometime in the not so distant future we could make something out of this, but for now its a hobby. There are times we weren't getting results like we wanted to but out of the blue maybe 1 or 2 people would sub to us and that was enough for us to keep pushing through this, we get everybody here is making an attempt to do something they love a career and such or perhaps is just for fun and just a hobby.

We stumbled across Freedom about 2 weeks ago despite seeing videos on why people hate Freedom!, it's not for everyone but at the end of the day we are just looking for ways to grow our channel. Unfortunately we are Youtubers on a budget so our quality isn't really top not but I feel like its around decent - okay, but we are saving up for better equipment to make better content and quality videos hopefully near the end of the year. Looking for ways to grow out our channel, meet new people, collaborate, and if I can help other smaller youtube channels. So if you want to check out our channel you can we have about 126 videos up and we welcome criticism, if you like our content you know Subscribe and all that jazz. You can leave a comment or dm on twitter I enjoy communicating with Fans and other Youtubers, helps getting the creative juices flowing.

Sum up:
Youtube Channel: Sleeping Wolf Games

Goal ( for now ): Hit 100 or More Subs by the end of the year

Motto: Be Better Then What We Used To Bed

Active Uploads: Basically Everyday

Twitter: /SWproGaming

Friendly: Yes

Helpful: Yes

Type of Gaming Channel: We play all the games

Streaming: Not now, hopefully one day soon.

Face Reveal: Coming real soon

( Sorry for the lengthy introduction, wanted you guys to know us on a some what personal level and know what our intentions were when joining the Freedom! Community.)

By: Daniel/OnyxSWpro

Sleeping Wolf Games

New User
Freedom! Member
Jun 20, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Welcome to Freedom! and the world of YouTube Entertainment. Hopefully you will get a lot of subscribers! I'm a beginner too and it's hard to get noticed, but it's not impossible to reach a dream like: Becoming a good YouTuber. (BTW: Lot of text xD)

Lol sorry for the late reply, yay I hope I get a lot of subscribers too. But at the end of the day it's a grind and its something I'm willing to do.