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New User
Mar 8, 2016
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Yo, I am Extremearab52
I am a good ol' 'Murican
I was DMed by PGUK on Twitter to join the Freedom Network
I joined just now because of a video I saw from the freedom channel and I realized that I have never been on any forum before so I decided to try and see what I thought of it.
I am a serious gamer I love games that have become irreverent as far as recent uploads suggest (its my niche). I am also a competitive swimmer I am not awful but I would like to get better. Lastly I am a huge reader.
I am a huge fan of Asian noodles. Idk why but I love them.
I started YouTube because I thought it would be fun. I wanted to make a change for better. I saw that many bigger YouTubers would stop playing a game after a month or two and I thought that there was still an audience that wanted the old games so I took a bit of initiative and started myself. I have a niche, and I am not afraid to say that. There are people in the market for some of these games and I intend to stick to that.
It is obvious from my last couple statements that I am a gaming youtuber I post videos, mostly on games that people don't post anymore. For example, the most popular videos on my channel are of Black Ops II.

I upload videos 3 times a week, at the moment. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. I try and stick to it but I have school so things get a little rough some weeks.

My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpwLAdOFweeDYbyRB9oby1g?&ab_channel=Extremearab52


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Dec 13, 2015
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Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
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Yo, I am Extremearab52
I am a good ol' 'Murican
I was DMed by PGUK on Twitter to join the Freedom Network
I joined just now because of a video I saw from the freedom channel and I realized that I have never been on any forum before so I decided to try and see what I thought of it.
I am a serious gamer I love games that have become irreverent as far as recent uploads suggest (its my niche). I am also a competitive swimmer I am not awful but I would like to get better. Lastly I am a huge reader.
I am a huge fan of Asian noodles. Idk why but I love them.
I started YouTube because I thought it would be fun. I wanted to make a change for better. I saw that many bigger YouTubers would stop playing a game after a month or two and I thought that there was still an audience that wanted the old games so I took a bit of initiative and started myself. I have a niche, and I am not afraid to say that. There are people in the market for some of these games and I intend to stick to that.
It is obvious from my last couple statements that I am a gaming youtuber I post videos, mostly on games that people don't post anymore. For example, the most popular videos on my channel are of Black Ops II.

I upload videos 3 times a week, at the moment. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. I try and stick to it but I have school so things get a little rough some weeks.

My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpwLAdOFweeDYbyRB9oby1g?&ab_channel=Extremearab52
Asian noodles are tasty Matthew, there's a ton of reasons why they're exceptional. I lived on ramen for a month once, it was a great summer that year ^^

Welcome again to the forums, hopefully our Matthew brothers can take over some day :p


New User
Mar 8, 2016
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welcome to the forums! We're all here to help each other out!

If you want to grow, consider who you might wanna assist here in return, if you like what their channels provide of course, not just blind sub for sub :)

if you have any questions feel free to ask :)

Haha Yeah I have talked a bunch with partners on the discord chat so I am quite familiar
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New User
Mar 8, 2016
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Hello, Welcome to the forums (y) (Y).

There is a big following for retro and indie gamers, always nice to see old games being replayed for new generations to enjoy :). Unless you don't mean that old of a game? :D

Your sub button is giving an error, refer back to this link. More than likely a simple mistake :)
Yeah not exactly the retro games I was talking about, but I play games that are slightly out of date


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jan 8, 2015
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Hello, Extremearab52!
Welcome to the Freedom! forums.
If there is anything I can help you with, please ask!
Me and Prology, and TwilightPrinze are very active here on the forums, so you can ask us almost anything.
If you need advice on anything, just ask me - I am always (usually) around.

Can I ask, where did you get your name from? It's an interesting one.

Follow the link below to add your subscriber button, which may attract a larger audience for you.

All the best.


New User
Mar 8, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello, Extremearab52!
Welcome to the Freedom! forums.
If there is anything I can help you with, please ask!
Me and Prology, and TwilightPrinze are very active here on the forums, so you can ask us almost anything.
If you need advice on anything, just ask me - I am always (usually) around.

Can I ask, where did you get your name from? It's an interesting one.

Follow the link below to add your subscriber button, which may attract a larger audience for you.

All the best.

Hey! Thanks so much. My name is pretty un interesting. I wanted something with extreme in it and i am middle eastern so extremearab and my birthday is 5 /2 so there u go