Gaming Thing I believe bo3 should change.

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taylor zieman

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 24, 2014
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In my opinion, Bo3 or BlackOps3 is a pretty good game. It is not as good as Black ops 2, but that's just my opinion. However there are something I would change or fix.
1. The supply drops
-The melee weapons and new weapons should at least double their chance of getting it. So it at least possible to obtain one
-The gun variant attachments. Lots of people believe these are stupid. But I think these are really cool. But they really need to add like 2 or 3 more variant for every attatchment for every gun (over time of course)
-Make the materials (camo things for the paint shop) you can get different then the crappy weapon camos you can get anyway.

2. The scorestreaks
-the Cerberus should be nerfed
-the GI unit should be buffed
-the mothership should be buffed
-the raps should not explode but rather run over your body like the trailer showed
-for heilstorm you should be able to quit out of the thing before it hits the ground
-Uav should last longer

3. Zombies
-Bowie knife should be able to be switched for another one of the multiplayer melee weapons id you have them. With the same damage, range, and knife speed, but with a new animation. Wrench or crowbar in zombies would be perfect
-next zombies needs to be abit bigger with open spots to train. New wonder weapons as well
-bring back the starting part of the apothican servant upgrade so it is upgradable.

Well that's all I think. I wasn't going to do fun nerfs and buffs because that would take forever. Tell
Me what you think about my list and tell me what you think they choirs change :)


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
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In my opinion, Bo3 or BlackOps3 is a pretty good game. It is not as good as Black ops 2, but that's just my opinion. However there are something I would change or fix.
1. The supply drops
-The melee weapons and new weapons should at least double their chance of getting it. So it at least possible to obtain one
-The gun variant attachments. Lots of people believe these are stupid. But I think these are really cool. But they really need to add like 2 or 3 more variant for every attatchment for every gun (over time of course)
-Make the materials (camo things for the paint shop) you can get different then the crappy weapon camos you can get anyway.

2. The scorestreaks
-the Cerberus should be nerfed
-the GI unit should be buffed
-the mothership should be buffed
-the raps should not explode but rather run over your body like the trailer showed
-for heilstorm you should be able to quit out of the thing before it hits the ground
-Uav should last longer

3. Zombies
-Bowie knife should be able to be switched for another one of the multiplayer melee weapons id you have them. With the same damage, range, and knife speed, but with a new animation. Wrench or crowbar in zombies would be perfect
-next zombies needs to be abit bigger with open spots to train. New wonder weapons as well
-bring back the starting part of the apothican servant upgrade so it is upgradable.

Well that's all I think. I wasn't going to do fun nerfs and buffs because that would take forever. Tell
Me what you think about my list and tell me what you think they choirs change :)
Brother you are right on point! I'm mad they Nerfed the Talon but not the Cerberus and the Mothership is horrible! 1700 Score and Like 5 kills max. Plus your teammates can get kills off your hard work lol. Also, it would be awesome if the RAPS did roll over people instead of exploding. that would make them worth it and you'd get more kills.

The Black Market is a market play by Activison/treyarch, they knew what they were doing and I hate to say it but its not going to get better