Tech TL;DR Tech Support | Ask Me Anything!

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Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
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The Short Form Tech Support Hotline!

Hey hey freedom!
It's your resident tech support guru here. It's time to put a twist to the ask me anything trend around here and put my knowledge to use for once...

But in all seriousness I'm here to answer your questions. The short way. No more Too Long Didn't Read Comments!

I am offering short form tech support In a vast array of topics. Everything from web browsers to editing suites.

Here's just some of the software/areas I have knowledge in:
  • Google Chrome
  • Adobe CC (photoshop, premiere, AE)
  • Final Cut
  • Ableton
  • Discord/Skype/VOIP
  • MacOSX, Windows 7 (10 soon)
  • iOS Devices
  • General PC Troubleshooting
  • Websites (HTML, CSS)
  • Google apps (drive, gmail)
  • Office (Word, PowerPoint)
  • OBS
  • And lots more!
Keep in mind that this is not a place to ask for network related support!

I will also be looking for people to help me out with this project however even if I haven't spoken with you and you know the answer to a question go ahead and help out! If you would like to help out shoot me a PM. As this expands and if it expands hopefully we can build up a team of knowledgeable people.

I will not be using any RDC software, all communication and troubleshooting will be done online. If the problem persists and no one knows the answer we will direct you to a source which might.
Rather then doing this:

I hope this is of help to the partners. As a web developer and tech lover I hope I can bring my experience to you!

That's all from me!