Comedy Unique YouTube Channel (BROfficial TV)

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 25, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hi, I'm Brad Reid from BROfficial TV.

I'm from Ontario, Canada. I'm interested in comedy and film making, and spend my time when I'm not on YouTube playing bass guitar on stage for 100s. I've been with Freedom for about a year and on YouTube for almost 2 years. My channel BROfficial TV has undergone multiple content changes, but for now has found the perfect combination of all prior YouTube interests. I just recently started my newest and to-be biggest segment on my channel called YouTube Reviews.

YouTube Reviews is a show I created where I, Brad Reid, review YouTube channels, watch one of their videos, then parody their content. I do 3 channels per episode and episode 1 just came out.

So how did I come up with YouTube Reviews? I have been uploading multiple videos that were very funny. They were comedy videos that didn't get many views, but were enjoyed by those who watched them. I thought up a way I could use my exact same humour and comedy techniques, but changing the format to fit today's trends while still enjoying myself. The most hot channels right now are ones getting views essentially from other people's videos but with their own spin: DramaAlert was the first channel to talk about YouTube drama in a news-style format; Leafy was the first to roast other YouTubers while combining that with the all-so-popular gaming videos; I am the first to review other people's channels in their entirety while playing a character and cracking bad jokes at the same time.

Thank you those who read my rambling, I hope you enjoy my new content.