Gaming Unloved is back, and using Unreal Engine 4

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Al Valentyn

Mac Gaming Connoisseur
Freedom! Member
Jan 4, 2014
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Unloved was an extremely popular Doom 2 mod, with similarities to Left 4 Dead. You and a team of friends need to fight your way out of hellish situations, find needed keys and just get out alive.

It's very vert dark; seriously you always need a flashlight; and extremely gory. Don't like clowns? Good! This is perfect for you then; you get to shoot up some clowns at the same time as trying to avoid demon nurses, cowboys and even mini slendermen coming at you.

I hope you're quick on the draw, you're going to need to be.

Out currently on Steam Early Access, the game is planning for a full launch the 29th of September 2016; so why not see if this is the game for you and your friends.