Opinion Upload Schedules

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Jan 18, 2016
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Hey guys, so I wanted to get your opinions on something. I've made a schedule for myself for my gaming channel. Before i would upload a random times with no consistency and at times if I had a lot of content, it would be a daily upload. But now I upload every Tuesday and Thursday just because my schedule was all over the place.

Is a two day upload good for viewers? Spitting out two video's a week seems kind of small. But I am a small channel so obviously I can't output 1 video every day, I just don't have time to record and edit that much not to mention it's not consistent. So I wanted to get your opinions if my two days of uploading is better then the random ones.

I do have a bit of content ready right now, so what would you recommend? Do two video's per every Tuesday and Thursday, or stick with one?
Just wanted to get others opinions on this.

Thank you in advance for your responses. Here's a free healing for you.
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Anyway, about the video schedule, I think it depends on when you are most flexible or comfortable in. If its Tuesday and Thursday, then that's it! Having a schedule would be crucial in gaining subs because they'll know when to watch out for your videos! If you can do it everyday, why not right? But you said you don't have the time for it, so I think 2 uploads per week would do. But make sure these videos would be really good so that it will be attracting a lot of buzz and attention. For small channels like us, it is best if we keep on posting as much as we can. Though some even post everyday, some of us like you and me don't have the luxury of time on our hands, so that's why we have a schedule in making videos. Let us just make most of what we do. :))

I hope I helped! Stay hot and keep it cool!
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Anyway, about the video schedule, I think it depends on when you are most flexible or comfortable in. If its Tuesday and Thursday, then that's it! Having a schedule would be crucial in gaining subs because they'll know when to watch out for your videos! If you can do it everyday, why not right? But you said you don't have the time for it, so I think 2 uploads per week would do. But make sure these videos would be really good so that it will be attracting a lot of buzz and attention. For small channels like us, it is best if we keep on posting as much as we can. Though some even post everyday, some of us like you and me don't have the luxury of time on our hands, so that's why we have a schedule in making videos. Let us just make most of what we do. :))

I hope I helped! Stay hot and keep it cool!

Thank you for the response. I do agree with you if I could output video's on a daily basis I would, but work and other personal stuff come in the way to doing that. So I thought a simple schedule would work. Considering I just started this about a week ago I'll see how it goes in hopes of getting more viewership. Thank you again, and FYI I eat pizza like a beast! lol
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Thank you for the response. I do agree with you if I could output video's on a daily basis I would, but work and other personal stuff come in the way to doing that. So I thought a simple schedule would work. Considering I just started this about a week ago I'll see how it goes in hopes of getting more viewership. Thank you again, and FYI I eat pizza like a beast! lol

Pizza is love <3 hahaha
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Ashley SilverDust

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Hey guys, so I wanted to get your opinions on something. I've made a schedule for myself for my gaming channel. Before i would upload a random times with no consistency and at times if I had a lot of content, it would be a daily upload. But now I upload every Tuesday and Thursday just because my schedule was all over the place.

Is a two day upload good for viewers? Spitting out two video's a week seems kind of small. But I am a small channel so obviously I can't output 1 video every day, I just don't have time to record and edit that much not to mention it's not consistent. So I wanted to get your opinions if my two days of uploading is better then the random ones.

I do have a bit of content ready right now, so what would you recommend? Do two video's per every Tuesday and Thursday, or stick with one?
Just wanted to get others opinions on this.

Thank you in advance for your responses. Here's a free healing for you.
Two a week is a good schedule, if you're into having a set schedule that is. For some people it doesn't work, it really depends. Anytime I try to implement a set schedule it seems to stress me out too much and takes some of the fun and spontaneity out of gaming for me. I see that you have a live stream as well - you should utilize the past broadcasts and highlights features of Twitch and export your best highlights to YouTube at any time. Then maybe try your Tuesday and Thursday idea for other specific and planned videos. So, random highlights anytime.. in addition to a regular two a week that are planned. Make sense? Most important: Have fun and Never give up! :D
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Feb 1, 2016
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My schedule is like 3 videos per week, and i think its fine. It also kind of depends on your own time and space when you can upload of course. Since my internet is pretty bad, a upload for me takes half a day. So thats why i chose to do 3 videos per week.


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Jan 18, 2016
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Two a week is a good schedule, if you're into having a set schedule that is. For some people it doesn't work, it really depends. Anytime I try to implement a set schedule it seems to stress me out too much and takes some of the fun and spontaneity out of gaming for me. I see that you have a live stream as well - you should utilize the past broadcasts and highlights features of Twitch and export your best highlights to YouTube at any time. Then maybe try your Tuesday and Thursday idea for other specific and planned videos. So, random highlights anytime.. in addition to a regular two a week that are planned. Make sense? Most important: Have fun and Never give up! :D
That is a good idea, only issue with my live stuff was that I played some games that had copyright stuff so I gotta be careful. I have yet to play with the Highlight section in Twitch and should look into it. Thank you for your feedback!


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I tired a schedule but failed due to lack of time haha! I stick to streaming daily and an try to upload every 2/3 days
Ya schedules arent for everyone. I don't live stream often so that's why I want to try and upload on a regular basis. I may have to look into live streaming again though

Ross L Designs

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I think schedules are good, but if you do have one try and stick to it. I personally like knowing when a channel I'm subscribed to is uploading especially if they're doing a series etc.

A 2 day a week schedule is good, sometimes I see channels who upload daily but the quality is not as good due it being rushed etc. So quality over quantity for sure. But most importantly do what you feel is right for your channel, like others have said sticking to a schedule can sometimes be hard (trust me I know to well on this one! lol) :)
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I personally prefer to upload 2/3 videos a week with 2 days between them. It gives you enough time to record, edit and go on with daily life with little stress. It also let's you think of new ideas and keep things scheduled for your viewers
Great advise thank you.
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I think schedules are good, but if you do have one try and stick to it. I personally like knowing when a channel I'm subscribed to is uploading especially if they're doing a series etc.

A 2 day a week schedule is good, sometimes I see channels who upload daily but the quality is not as good due it being rushed etc. So quality over quantity for sure. But most importantly do what you feel is right for your channel, like others have said sticking to a schedule can sometimes be hard (trust me I know to well on this one! lol) :)

Very true, I always prefer quality over quantity


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Aug 15, 2015
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hello. ^_^ ive been doing a gaming news channel for over 6 months now. i upload one video a day on weekdays in the mid afternoon because i feel like that is the earliest i can get people the information in my show while still being relevant.

it all depends on the type of channel you want to have on youtube. one of my more recent favorites, GradeAUnderA, uploads videos randomly, but the quality of his videos are so good that it leaves you hanging and unsure when another video is going to be up

then theres another channel i really like called GoodMyticalMorning. they upload every weekday early in the morning. its very reliable but i know that theyre only able to achieve this because the episode is filmed and edited a few days before its uploaded, with more content ready to go the next day. theyre only able to achieve this with a staff of people

it really depends on your level of skill, the amount of time youre willing to put into it, and then the ability and time of others if you have people working with you. maybe if youre looking to upload more, how about collaborating with someone else with the goal of just producing more?

Charxander Origin

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Jan 25, 2016
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Hey guys, so I wanted to get your opinions on something. I've made a schedule for myself for my gaming channel. Before i would upload a random times with no consistency and at times if I had a lot of content, it would be a daily upload. But now I upload every Tuesday and Thursday just because my schedule was all over the place.

Is a two day upload good for viewers? Spitting out two video's a week seems kind of small. But I am a small channel so obviously I can't output 1 video every day, I just don't have time to record and edit that much not to mention it's not consistent. So I wanted to get your opinions if my two days of uploading is better then the random ones.

I do have a bit of content ready right now, so what would you recommend? Do two video's per every Tuesday and Thursday, or stick with one?
Just wanted to get others opinions on this.

Thank you in advance for your responses. Here's a free healing for you.
My advice: Commit to what you can actually produce. If you know that no matter what, you can post 2 times a week, but anything more than that becomes sketchy, then do two times a week, it's perfect for you, no reason not to. If you can put something up more often, like every day for example, awesome, go for it. Don't set up unrealistic goals, because that will just break your consistency. I also think it is easier to scale up frequency, because people will enjoy the surprise of an extra video, whereas if you scale back, they will be confused and angry, wondering where the video is. Look at Sky for example, he sometimes (rarely) posts a video late, but when he does, his previous video is SPAMMED with "WHERE IS THE NEW ONE OMG" until he posts the new video.
Hope this helps, have a great day!
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Jan 18, 2016
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hello. ^_^ ive been doing a gaming news channel for over 6 months now. i upload one video a day on weekdays in the mid afternoon because i feel like that is the earliest i can get people the information in my show while still being relevant.

it all depends on the type of channel you want to have on youtube. one of my more recent favorites, GradeAUnderA, uploads videos randomly, but the quality of his videos are so good that it leaves you hanging and unsure when another video is going to be up

then theres another channel i really like called GoodMyticalMorning. they upload every weekday early in the morning. its very reliable but i know that theyre only able to achieve this because the episode is filmed and edited a few days before its uploaded, with more content ready to go the next day. theyre only able to achieve this with a staff of people

it really depends on your level of skill, the amount of time youre willing to put into it, and then the ability and time of others if you have people working with you. maybe if youre looking to upload more, how about collaborating with someone else with the goal of just producing more?
That's very true, working with others could be beneficial in the long run for more content. Thank you for your input.
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