FFF We fall. We adapt. We succeed. #FreedomFamily

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The Crazy Boi
Retired Moderator
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016

Hello Freedom! Family, welcome to the weekly Freedom! Forum Friday. It has definitely been a while since I have created the FFF for the community, I have been fairly busy with personal issues so luckily Nerd and Zeke were able to keep us up-to-date during my inactivity.
However, now I am back, let us crack down on what's been happening in the last week!

Freedom! June Giveaway - 1 week remaining

We, the creators of the Freedom! Forum Friday and the Community Newsletter have partnered together to sponsor this months giveaway in order to give you, the Freedom! Family, a chance to win some free games and software for helping us promote our weekly and monthly newsletters. We thought we'd like to make it easy for any person to enter, so we have made a quick two step raffle for anybody in the community to enter and we mean everyone!

If you are new to our community, been an active member or even become a partner, you can enter our giveaway by going to the Rafflecopter link, which can be found here, enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletters and as a bonus, if you have a Twitter account, you can tweet out about our giveaway for even more entries. I mean who doesn't want more chances to win for simply tweeting!?

Do note that this giveaway will close on the 30th of June, therefore you only have a week to get your entries in before it will automatically lock. Good luck!

MotM, MotM, where are you?

For the last few months, we have been trying to keep to a constant schedule of revealing our Member of the Month on the 21st of the month, however recently, it has seemed that we have lost our glorious title. Don't panic, the MotM will be here soon, I can confirm that nominations are being made within the forum team and we will be revealing this month's MotM shortly. Remember to keep a good eye on the News and Announcements section of the forums to see if you were one of the lucky members to be nominated by us.

If you weren't, there's always next month and the rules haven't changed, so in order to be our Member of the Month, you must be active around the forums, be welcoming to new and existing Freedomers, follow the rules and make sure others are doing the same and engage in discussions with other people around the forums.

We will get back to you shortly.

Milestone Madness: 10K+ Subs

Usually within the FFF, I try to celebrate and promote successful members either through milestones or their contributions. This week, one of our partners @GamerwithLyme celebrated some incredible growth surpassing over 10,000 subscribers on their YouTube channel.

Here's some background information to why I think this is such a brilliant milestone, starting in 2002, GamerwithLyme was unfortunately met with Lyme disease. It was not until 7 years later that he was officially diagnosed with Lyme and undertook treatment. Unfortunately during this long period, it was able to damage parts of the brain, including the frontal lobe which caused the completion of everyday tasks and the normal play of video games to become hindered.

Nevertheless, though he may have lost his motor skills and basic brain training, there was no point in letting the disease win, so he instead embraced the situation he was in and devoted his time into making a successful channel and proving to everyone that even the largest of setbacks like this cannot stop some truly dedicated from succeeding.

His dedication can still be seen today,
back in January 2018, Lyme only just broke 3,600 subscribers and with the constant regular uploading and persistence, he has almost tripled that number in less than 6 months, which is astounding. From me and the rest of the Forum Team, thank you for your constant dedication and the inspiration to others to show that you don't have to be the perfect person in order to succeed, you can have your difficulties and still pull through just as well.

I would definitely advise watching a few of his videos and give him the opportunity to show how much he has changed and if you enjoy his content and really sympathise the situation he has gone through, please subscribe to his channel, because he deserves it. You can find him here.


Freedom! Central - Video Recap

KYC #11 - Additional Policies

In this video, George goes through some of the new policies that are being released by YouTube that may affect your channels within the future, including inactiveness, ToS violation encouragement penalisation, age requirements and more. In order to make sure your channel isn't prone for removal or being reclaimed by YouTube, I would advise watching the entirety of the video.

Freedom Member Reintroduction

In this video, George collaborates with Nold, a member of the Freedom Family who was gone for quite some time. Nold reveals why he was gone for such a long time and what his plans are for the future on Freedom Central. Also George will be travelling away again to check up on how the two million dollar investment is going. Want to know where he's going? Gotta watch the video to find out.

Boost your videos with stories!

As a continuation of the previous episode, Lime explains how storytelling will help provide a stronger impression to a viewer in aspects of entertaining and influencing them.

What did Freedom! Support do?

In this video, partner JeffTutorials goes through his experience with our Support team. During communication with YouTube Support, he was denied his Silver Play button, however after constant email exchanges with our support team, he was finally able to claim his play button.

Please note: This video was created exclusively by JeffTutorials and was not paid/endorsed to create this video. We appreciate the dedication that he has put in with spreading his story to the Freedom! Family.

So that's it for another week. If you have any suggestions for our weekly wrap-up thread, feel free to get in touch. Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week and I will catch up with you lot later!