Hot Weekly Discussion (Spoilers) | Twitch + Curse / Battlefield 1 / 200 Mill / Nobody is the best at YT

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The Crazy Boi
Retired Moderator
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
Hey Freedom Family!
Last week, in the weekly discussion, we have had quite a few people spread their opinions, and here are a few of those replies

GoddessGigiG: "I see that Twitch just bought Curse. TBH until seeing that, I'd never heard of Curse."

Zzeddd: "I am slightly disappointed as a big zombies fan that they have just taken these core values and as I previously said slapped a new skin on over the top i meen seriously if you're going to take a game mode re-create the game mode with your own plans not the prospects that will just lead it to a sudden death in which this is bound to happen."

Remember if you leave a comment on the post, I might feature them in the next discussion.
But other than that, let's reveal our next topics.

Topic #1 - Twitch acquires a new member to their family, Curse

I did hear this news, but does it really affect me? No..
I do use Twitch every so often, but a new community for Twitch, a bigger team, it isn't going to change much.

Will I use Curse, or Twitch any more, if it matters? Probably not, I have Freedom for the community, and I enjoy making some YouTube videos, I don't need any more than that.

Have you ever used Curse? Are you a main user of Twitch? Are we expecting a massive change in the next few weeks? Leave your opinions down below quoting the Topic.

Topic #2 - The Battlefield 1 Beta is closing in

Ok.. I have to give this one to Goddess, I did not know that Battlefield 1 was going to have a Beta, I knew it was going to be released soon, but nothing about a Beta.

I definitely have joined this Beta, Purely due to the fact of Call of Duty, mentioned in the previous Weekly Discussion, that CoD is dying, and unfortunately I think Infinite Warfare is too far out of reach to revive this franchise.

How do you sign up? Unfortunately you cannot anymore, unless you are a Battlefield Insider member. This chance was closed on August 21st and everyone who did before then, get to be the first people in the world to play Battlefield 1 Open Beta.

Are you HYPED? Have you signed up for the Battlefield 1 Beta? If not, why didn't you, was it because you were late, or you dislike Battlefield? Leave your opinions down below quoting the Topic.

Topic #3 - Freedom is now 200 Million Subs strong

If you are active on the Freedom YouTube, you may have heard George talk about 200 million subs, you read that correctly, 200 Million! As a brilliant community, we have totalled that amount and what do we get for that?

A Minecraft Server, 2000 Slots!! George did make a poll and you guys voted yes! So it is being built.

If you are a channel that is small, just remember this, we wouldn't have hit 200 Million subs that fast, if it wasn't for all of your channels, even if they are less than 100 subs, they all count!

Are you joining the Minecraft server? What do you think the prize should be for 250 Million? Leave your opinions down below quoting the Topic.

Topic #4 - There is no best when it comes to YouTube

I don't normally do 4 topics in these, but why not.
Featured in a previous thread post, I started talking about why Subs are not really a valid statistic to think about. But with many conversations with others, I am deciding to add it into the weekly discussion as it isn't only subs that are broken.

I don't like when people say "I am better than you, I have more subs than you, oh your video is doing sooo bad" Firstly, you are just putting people down, secondly, they put hard work into making those videos. But the major point I am trying to say, Why does subs matter. Every metric on YouTube can be abused, they cannot be exact and for that reason, you cannot determine who is better than who..

For the final time, do you believe there is a "best" when it comes to YouTube? Do you think YouTube needs to be more concise with this metrics and remove dead accounts more often? Leave your opinions down below quoting the Topic.

An extended version of the Weekly Discussion but who minds. If you want me to focus on a specific topic in the next discussion, leave them in the comments. Remember you could always get featured!

My name is Lawrence, and this is the Weekly Discussion for the 25th August 2016, Until the next one, stay friendly on the forums!

Kratos Aurion

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For the final time, do you believe there is a "best" when it comes to YouTube? Do you think YouTube needs to be more concise with this metrics and remove dead accounts more often? Leave your opinions down below quoting the Topic.

No because the best is a matter of personal opinion. I know I've had the occasional person come around telling me I was their favorite youtuber and "You should have more subs than Pewdiepie". It's always flattering to hear that but when you consider how many other youtubers small/medium/large are hearing that same type of comment it just goes to show that the best in terms of numbers isn't the best in a lot of peoples eyes.


The Crazy Boi
Retired Moderator
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
No because the best is a matter of personal opinion. I know I've had the occasional person come around telling me I was their favorite youtuber and "You should have more subs than Pewdiepie". It's always flattering to hear that but when you consider how many other youtubers small/medium/large are hearing that same type of comment it just goes to show that the best in terms of numbers isn't the best in a lot of peoples eyes.

I completely agree that hearing "You are my favourite YouTuber" or "You should have more subs" is very nice and builds up your confidence, and I would advise when making videos and doing YouTube, to focus that they do count for something, but in the background, those numbers look good, but don't mean always what they show.
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Rising User
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Jul 20, 2016
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I was playing the Battlefield 1 Beta last night, interesting tho the old WWI weapons can be vexing after being used to more modern arms. I find it kind of crazy that it takes 8 shots to kill a horse. I've also determined that if I get in a plane I better be the gunner NOT the pilot :)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 20, 2016
Brooklyn NY
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Oh btw what's going on with YouTube? They are removing monetization on videos they deem "not advertiser friendly" I know 1 person who Debunks Paranormal gadgets and such who got so many flagged that he is migrating to here in #NYC altho for the life of me I can't find a way to monetize video on


The Crazy Boi
Retired Moderator
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
I was playing the Battlefield 1 Beta last night, interesting tho the old WWI weapons can be vexing after being used to more modern arms. I find it kind of crazy that it takes 8 shots to kill a horse. I've also determined that if I get in a plane I better be the gunner NOT the pilot :)

Are you not that good at flying planes? Neither am I, but I didn't get to play the beta, but I have been playing other things such as modded Minecraft...

Oh btw what's going on with YouTube? They are removing monetization on videos they deem "not advertiser friendly" I know 1 person who Debunks Paranormal gadgets and such who got so many flagged that he is migrating to here in #NYC altho for the life of me I can't find a way to monetize video on

I don't know anything about the problems with YouTube, it hasn't happened to me.. Never heard of so I'm afraid that I can't help you.

Showcase One

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This advertiser friendly thing is all just a misconception. These rules and guidelines have been in place for ages now but YouTube has cracked down on re-enforcing them.
Here's a video explaining it:

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