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Ben Schenke

New User
Jul 4, 2015
Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Hello Everyone welcome to my section of introducing myself to the freedom Family. My name is Benjamin Paul Schenke last of 8 siblings in my family. last of two other triplet brothers. I live in Indiana, in a city called Fort Wayne i have lived for 20 years in February. I have lived watching with YouTube videos for as long as a would remember; from a little kid watching Minecraft, to a team to watching Call Of Duty and now to a young adult to watching Call Of Duty and news channels etc. I found the Freedom Network while looking in the description of a Content creator call Red Scarce/ now know as just Scarce. i scrolled through his description and found a link that said "Become a Partner", Now a this point i was a senior in high school. I was past going to college and had my mind set on going into the Military; i did research and was looking at the Marine Corp and the Navy, those were my two options that i liked. Fast forward to March of my senior year i was down in my basement play Call Of Duty: Advanced warfare, with my brothers watching me. I was great my brother said after the match i play and told me "Man you should like record your gameplay or something that" and since that point i have fully commented myself to be a content creator for Call Of Duty and basically all shooter games. So, Back to the Freedom website, i clicked the link and applied for a partnership. Fast-forward to 2016 i got an email that stated. "How to Double your subscribers" and i knew going into making YouTube videos and all of that, that i wasn't going to grow to 500 or even 1,000 in a week or month; so i was interested in what "George" had to say about how to Double my subscribers. As of the age of about 5 i was heavily engaged in sports year round, i play baseball, soccer, basketball, i swam year round as well and my family was a swimming family, all 8 swam one time in their lives, but i loved it i swam from 6 years old to 10 years old. One year after that all the other sports i played became boring because i played soccer at my local school in 5th grade. I've played soccer from 5th grade all the way to senior year of high school, making the varsity team when i was a Sophomore. I was pretty good at soccer, played mid-field my whole soccer career. Other thing that i loved to do is play video games and most of you that are reading this naturally are video game lovers. We all of those memories of going to a friends house after school to have a sleep over and stay up all night playing you're favorite games until dawn Well, one of my friends and two of my triplet brothers went to his house to have a sleep over one Friday day after school in middle school. We stayed up all night 'till morning playing MW2, having free-for-all matches on Rust; that's one memory that i loved, the other one is playing a single player RPG game or game like Dead island at night by myself sitting on a bean bag until like 5:00 a.m. in the morning the next day. Those were awesome and i will always remember them. I really don't have a favorite food, but i had foods/meals that i hated back in my child hood that now i love, for instants i hated Chinese food and anything that had onions and peppers, but now i eat them all the time. I would say the biggest dream is to have a well subscribe YouTube channel and something not YouTube related i want to get into like rally car racing or like drifting. I really find that really dope and awesome. The Channel i run is a Call Of Duty Channel, i play Black Ops 3 right now, but in the future when i get a pop filter and shock mount, i will play other games and do series and commentaries on them. I upload every Tuesday @ 2:00 P.M. Eastern time, but like i said i will upload other games on Saturday or Sunday.
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Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
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hey , welcome to Freedom , I hope you enjoy your stay and if you need any help just ask :)

I do call of duty on my channel to :) how are you finding black ops 3 ?


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
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Um, its great and i love it but in the beginning i found it substantially harder to get used to then Ghost or Advanced warfare. I actually love AW.

I found it pretty easy to be honest and I'm loving it to but AW I hated so god dam much :(