Entertainment What's good?!! It's Motherland Bee :)

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Motherland Bee

New User
May 18, 2016
Hey everybody, Motherland Bee here ;) I am a 27 year old aspiring actress and screenwriter (New York Film Academy: LA Campus graduate) from Johannesburg, South Africa. I found Freedom! and this forum through my search for people that are into vlogging as much as I am. I am somewhat of a chilled person in that my hobbies include watching movies, and just hanging out with my family and friends.

There is a flip side, though, where my extroverts self comes out in my pursuit of becoming a working actress as I go for auditions, I've bunjee jumped off the top of a stadium in durban, I enjoy quad biking, but to name a few activities. I'm kind of a foodie thanks to Master Chef Australia, my favourite food being Chinese food (that chicken fried rice soothes my tummy).

God brought me into the YouTube world via Latoya Forever, Superwoman Vlogs, and Timothy DeLa Ghetto. I would binge watch their vlogs until I decided that there is literally nothing stopping me from starting my own vlog channel, and I did. Two years ago, I officially became Motherland Bee on YouTube :) I chose the name because while I was studying in Los Angeles, people used to say things like " oh, you're from the motherland" and, in trying to achieve my acting and screenwriting dreams, I feel like a worker beer doing my best to make that honey :) therefore the name "Motherland Bee" came to light.

My channel is literally like a reality show without too much editing and me as the camera person. It showcases my personality, how I interact with my family and friends, the vacations I go on, and also the journey of my dream of becoming a successful actress and making my way into the entertainment industry. One could get a peek at my life every Wednesday :D

I look forward to chatting and networking with everyone!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 27, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello Motherland Bee and welcome to Freedom!!!

You went bunjee jumping?!?! I would be too scared to event try.. xD but that's still cool though!


Rising User
Jan 11, 2017
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Girl, I love latoya too! And my channel is all about Chicago's best food spots, so me being a foodie is an understatement! Good luck with your channel girly!