Gaming Why I Started Youtube :)

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smokey joe

New User
Feb 12, 2016
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Yo whats going on guys joe here im 15 nearly 16 from Ireland and I have been doing youtube for about 2 years im new here and I just want to share why I started I started youtube as it was able to give me some freedom when it comes to what i want to do it helped me deal with depression as my father was diagnosed with cancer and a brain tumour back in 2013 but he always told me to do what I feel is right and I feel that youtube fits my personality I rap and play video games I love interacting with fans and making my videos as entertaining as possible i will be releasing my first song in a couple of weeks and I also need help with video ideas
but ye thats basically why i started and im sorry if i spelt anything wrong i have dyslexia but I try keep my videos happy and positive my motto is
Live simply
Dream big
Be grateful
Give love
Laugh lots
If you guys want to check out my channel it is
Thank you for taking time to read this :)
Heres my most Recent Video
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Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Aug 11, 2014
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Welcome to freedom man. I'm sorry to here about your dad man but I'm sure he will get threw it. I should know my dad also had cancer 3 times and he's gone threw it like a champ and he is 2 years inremission. Good luck with everything man.
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smokey joe

New User
Feb 12, 2016
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Welcome to freedom man. I'm sorry to here about your dad man but I'm sure he will get threw it. I should know my dad also had cancer 3 times and he's gone threw it like a champ and he is 2 years inremission. Good luck with everything man.
Thank you man and good to hear my dads been fighting it and hes out lived his 18 months by far
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