YouTube Work Hard but Have Fun While Doing It.

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Creative Myth

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Nov 5, 2016
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A lot of people on here asks questions about gaining subs and viewers. I don't have a lot of subs or viewers, I wish I did have millions of people watching me. But even though like 4-10 people watch my videos I still have fun uploading and making videos. Just because you don't have a lot of viewers doesn't mean you shouldn't still be having fun.

zeke morgan

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Dec 8, 2015
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Exactly, at the end of the day unless your have already got a large enough viewership that you can comfortably make a living off create YouTube videos, you shouldn't be worried about the views / subs / revenue. Instead focus on enjoying what you do, as the minute you stop enjoying it, that is when your videos will start to suffer and when your viewers will really know
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Jun 1, 2014
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Yes definitely this, a lot of people get caught up comparing their channel to someone else.

The fact that you have had just 1 view means that you have changed someones day, maybe from across the world. They have chosen to watch your video instead of a movie or TV show, something that people have spent thousands of dollars producing.