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Jonathon Cronin

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 27, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey guys I am looking to collaborate on some games. I have Mondays and Sundays off so I would prefer those days if possible. I have this to offer, a sense of humor and fun times. What I am looking for is listed below.

Age: 16-35 with a good sense of humor. I am 29 going on 30 in may.

Channel main topic: Gaming

subscribers: I have 44 subs as of this post. Your amount of subs can be as low as 0 or up to 1,000,000 for all I care. I am just looking for people with a good sense of humor to collab with.

What games: minecraft and/or gmod or other games I might have in common with those who will collab.

Link to Channel: www.youtube.com/bladewolfhart

You can get a hold of me here on the forums or on Skype at blade.lionhart let me know who you are by pm me your Skype name or in the invite on Skype just say minecrft or gmod collab