Hot Youtube is dying and I'm happy

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New User
Jul 17, 2017
Insulting an individual/Inappropriate Behavior
Google for the first time wants to turn Youtube profitable and that means turning Youtube into more of a "tv" content type and expansion of Youtube Red and Youtube Tv like Netflix. The dreams of being a small youtuber and working your way to the top is over. I made money on Youtube long time ago and now I'm dying of laughter right now.

My advice, stop wasting your time on YT. The honeymoon is over. Freedom will also die very soon since Youtube won't need MCNs anymore. Go to hell George Vanous, you leech. MCNs are leeches with the exception of Curse. The best youtube Network is Curse, they work for their money.

That is all everyone and have a good day....

Viva Demonetization, get a job like the rest of us........

I love the new Youtube, got Adblock installed forever.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 29, 2015
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Wow. . . what a self centered , arrogant , judgmental , troll extraordinaire!

Folks like me that have a painful disability that doesn't allow them any sort of normal life , leave alone the chance to "get a job like the rest of us" are always so thankful to at least take comfort in the fact that someday they may find a way to relieve this daily pain and I will get better but you are fated to be an ass for the rest of your days.
I would gladly donate the small wage I make from YouTube just to be there the day you hear the giant popping sound as you finally pull your head out of your butt and realize that making dumb statements about other peoples lives makes you just another bottom of the food chain troll.

Hows that working out for you?


Full Member
Aug 24, 2017
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Always a chance that YouTube will do something that means YouTubers can no longer make money. Most small channels just upload because they enjoy making content. I don't see what George has done to you personally to insult him.

You handled this person very well, be proud of yourself for acting in such a professional way. If I was in your position I cannot say I would've behaved as well as you did xD

As Koala said YouTube could always do stuff that results in them not making money, but you also have to realize YouTube is one of their biggest sources of money. Sure you can say YouTube is dying but is that necessarily true? It is bigger than it was say 5 years ago. I remember 6 years ago when nigahiga had 1 million subscribers people thought that was the biggest anyone could get, now look at PewDiePie at nearly 60 million subscribers.

There is no lie in the sense that AdGate definitely shook up YouTube, but monetization is returning to normal and it is a possibility that with these new rules implemented to YouTube that content creators will be making more money than ever before because advertisers will be more willing to spend money on videos that are better to share their company and brands on. There is also the subject of the US economy inflating right now and overall it is a very unstable environment.

You can definitely look at the results and say, "YouTubers are making the lowest they have in years", but there's also the possibility that number could grow exponentially. Google is not going to just give YouTube up, it is again one of their biggest if not the biggest revenue source they have. They have to play defensively right now after so many ad companies left them and caused the revenue drop in April, they cannot risk losing more advertisers. Google is one of the companies leading a big initiative and they need a large amount of revenue to keep fueling them.

As for Freedom! dying that is up to debate aswell. YouTube has two ways to play this out right now:

A) Give people more reasons to join networks.

B) Give people reasons to not join networks.

They have done a lot of B in the past few months, but at this point they're almost making it to the point of, "Why even join a network?". This way because of so many scummy networks last year that did leave a bad reputation, like Fullscreen having a dodgy contract, or Machinima locking partners up for life. It's not exactly YouTube's fault for having to take precautions like this because some networks and subnetworks are and were respectively abusing these powers they had. There are less reasons to join a network every month and YouTube may decide as the ad market to go up that they want networks to be more in control of this and push YouTube further than ever before. This could end up in a situation where networks would be able to show MCN specific ads or work out business deals with companies to show better or more relevant ads that net YouTube, the MCN, and creator more money.

There's so much more than meets the eye my friend.