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Ninjaz Vid

Full Member
Sep 19, 2015
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YouTube Channel
Hello! I am here to request free or cheap graphics from your professionalism, I mainly want this graphics for my youtube channel Zire - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLIdLyl1W-uEFJWd0B7rBTA I especially want a clean professional gaming logo for Zire, It could be a unique design, or the letter Z, or something that refers to Zire, my preferred colour is Red, so if it's a colour scheme of white and Red or just red that'd be great! This channel is meant for gaming, it is small now but it's growing, and I want the graphics to attract more viewers!

Summary- Professional youtube logo that could be implemented in my future intros and banners, I also want it to be able to be made into 2D as well as 3D, I want it to represent Zire, a gaming channel, and my preferred colour is red!

Refresh (Please Read)- So mainly a logo that stands for Zire which is a gaming channel, Preferred colour scheme: Red or Red and white, professional, I also want this logo to be able to be implemented in my future intro and banner, which I will make on my own! And this logo must be able to be shown in 2 forms, 2D and 3D, but if you could only manage 2D that's fine, but I really want both of them!

Of course I will give a shout out to your YouTube channel, and you'll get at least 15 subs from that! Or You will receive a cheap amount of money!

If this is done in photoshop please send the files as well!

I am getting other designers to make logos as well, so the ones with the best design, that I will pick will get the shoutout! So do your best if you see this! (This is a bit like a competition!)

Thanks! - From Zire!
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Dragon of Unknown Seas
Freedom! Member
Jan 6, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hey I would be interested in helping you out here! I think I have a good amount of experience and I feel confident taking this job for you!
Here is portfolio: http://terrafr0st.imgur.com/

I hope to talk to you soon!
Skype: frozencrossfire


Full Member
Jan 4, 2016
The Internet
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello! I am here to request free or cheap graphics from your professionalism, I mainly want this graphics for my youtube channel Zire - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLIdLyl1W-uEFJWd0B7rBTA I especially want a clean professional gaming logo for Zire, It could be a unique design, or the letter Z, or something that refers to Zire, my preferred colour is Red, so if it's a colour scheme of white and Red or just red that'd be great! This channel is meant for gaming, it is small now but it's growing, and I want the graphics to attract more viewers!

Summary- Professional youtube logo that could be implemented in my future intros and banners, I also want it to be able to be made into 2D as well as 3D, I want it to represent Zire, a gaming channel, and my preferred colour is red!

Refresh (Please Read)- So mainly a logo that stands for Zire which is a gaming channel, Preferred colour scheme: Red or Red and white, professional, I also want this logo to be able to be implemented in my future intro and banner, which I will make on my own! And this logo must be able to be shown in 2 forms, 2D and 3D, but if you could only manage 2D that's fine, but I really want both of them!

Of course I will give a shout out to your YouTube channel, and you'll get at least 15 subs from that! Or You will receive a cheap amount of money!

If this is done in photoshop please send the files as well!

I am getting other designers to make logos as well, so the ones with the best design, that I will pick will get the shoutout! So do your best if you see this! (This is a bit like a competition!)

Thanks! - From Zire!
skype: condoesmc. I can do this, portfolio is under this message