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  • Been feeling very put out by the community lately...I post lots of stuff but no one responds....community feels like it's falling apart...
    Showcase One
    Showcase One
    You shouldn't feel that way. Freedom actually hs a very active and large community compared to other networks. How about you take the time to review your posts and think, what am I doing good, what can I work on. Also. Try to engage in the chat room.
    I'm sorry you feel this way :(, I've been rather busy IRL this last week to check over the whole forums and respond to everything but I have seen your posts and simply just forgot to finish my replies :(
    Been updating video tags, I often forget that they're actually really important!
    zeke morgan
    zeke morgan
    hahah yeah I forget too, got to love older videos of mine which have very little, if not any tags
    I'm like suuuuper bad at changing the settings of my videos and I'm always wondering why my videos don't get found ahahaha
    Have so many ideas for my channel and my image! Looking forward to starting to share that with the community! :)
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