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    Hi, I want to delete my account in the forum. How can I do it?
    Because where it says makes me not linked
    If a video has copyrighted music but the claimant is allowing it to be used as long as they maintain advertisement authority,am I able to put said video in a post on the Freedom forum or do I have to just put a link in the post to the video?
    I rejoin the freedom and I got this on my freedom dash board- You are missing out on potential revenue. One or more of your channels in your Freedom! account is not yet partnered with YouTube. So will I get a learn more button on my youtube dashboard?
    I did not get paid for 10 months
    I did not get paid for 10 months
    Because in the payment section of freedom That makes me money I 0
    youtube says if I'm making money on Analytic.Como can put everything right in the payment section of freedom
    Hi I'm new here can you help me out?
    I have everything well in Freedom but there is a section where it says, I'm not tied, why? I have everything right, when I put my freedom Analytic in me nothing comes out every number I have in 0.I what has made me more angry is I had money in my on youtube and now I have but nothing happens, I want to try this parner, I also invited more people to get in this partner.I hope to help me freedom
    can you give me points? thanks
    hello I wonder what games lets you monetize freedom without any problem . whether you put a strike or something. that if games are allowed for freedom
    I have been partnered with Freedom! for around a month, but I didn't get an invitation yet. I'm in good standing, I have an active adsense account. Sorry if the reason is just that you're busy.
    I was looking at my profile and it says payment for july is unverified and hasn't marked the amount I receive for August or September. Help?
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