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  1. Mr Wooff

    Music I basically want to do a cover song!

    So I play drums :) but I want to make a cover song. However just adding my drums in to the song isnt me so if any of you would like to contact me via this forum and maybe we could work together to play a song and upload a cover of it to both of our channels :)
  2. M

    Gaming Youtub Gamer wanting to colab!

    Hey guys, my name Is MaxComGaming and I started a YouTube channel a few months ago and would like someone to collab with. I'll do upload 4 upload and just a video together. Also if you can, please subscribe :)
  3. Popcornpie 919

    PC Collaboration Does anyone wanna colab on minecraft?

    Im looking for anyone who would like to collab with me playin minecraft. We could do mini games or a factions series or whatever you want! my channel is Popcornpie919 if you wanna start collabing.
  4. Shubham Goel

    Gaming Gaming news and playing games!

    Hey guys, i do a gaming channel and have been making a schedule to help me upload more often! In doing so i realized some things i would love to do: 1. Do a weekly show with people where we talk about gaming news and just discuss topics! 2. Colab with people on games, any games, just to have...
  5. Peep Connor

    PC Collaboration Looking to colab with people.

    Hi, I am looking to colab with people on Minecraft. I would want to do Mine games, Adventure maps, and other things like that on Minecraft. If you want to colab leave your Skype, age, and your Youtube link.
  6. CoOpShop

    Gaming Welcome to the CoOpShop

    Hey guys! this is Caleb from the CoOpShop and I am happy to join the freedom forums! The CoOpShop is made up of Me (Caleb), and my friends Noah and Quinten. We are a group of friends from Northwest America and love to make YouTube Videos! Me and my friends Noah and Quinten run this channel for...
  7. JackYT

    PC Collaboration CS:GO Colab + New & upcoming games Colab

    I want to start making videos again but mainly want to record/play csgo, wanted to get a group together and just have fun playing/recording together! If you are interested then just comment your age, youtube channel and your skype and i will add you on skype! My channel:
  8. LilVolksyYT

    PC Collaboration Minecrafters wanted for SMP/UHC and REC!

    Me and my friends are looking for some Minecraft to record. We are just some YouTubers trying to get off our feet to expand our channels. We have our own SMP server, which is where we would like to host a few private UHCs to record. Info I want: Name: (YouTube or Real) Age: Skype: Why are you...
  9. MsGSean

    Xbox Collaboration Want to make BO3 vids and i need some poeple to play msg me!

    Xbox gamertag ~ MsG Sean
  10. GamingBeast5

    Gaming Introducing My Self

    Hey freedom family i am a starting out youtuber who is in the fade clan looking to grow my channel in a timely manner my youtube channel link is
  11. M&Mnz

    Gaming Xbox 360 collaboration gone?

    I literally can't find anyone to colab with on the 360, i guess i have to go with pc.(even though my pc can't handle gaming).
  12. Peep Connor

    Gaming I need actors/actresses for Minecraft RP

    Alright, i need people to act on a Minecraft roleplay that I am making. It is a zombie apocalypse roleplay called "Virus". We currently need a bunch of people for this and for other roleplays in the future. If you are interested please respond on this thread or contact me through skype (live...
  13. Raihan Ahmed

    Other Collaboration FREEDOM! LOS ANGELES COLAB!

    I am a new content creator on youtube. I am bringing a business background to implement on my youtube channel. I want people to colab with, I AM NOT A GAMING CHANNEL. I do funny skits and rants. If you are in the LA area hit me up, lets have a quick meeting to how compatible our channels are and...
  14. RanOverATaxi

    PC Collaboration PC Collaboration and Xbox One Collaboration!

    Hey Guys! I just wanted to ask you guys if anyone wanted to collab with me and maybe create a YouTube group. I'm turning 14 on February 28th and just started my YouTube Channel! I have a higher pitch voice then most people so beware of that. Requirements: Under 15 years of age Good editing No...
  15. Ryan Burr

    Gaming Need Colab Partners! Gmod|CS:GO|MINECRAFT|ETC

    Hey guys I really want a set Group of friends to make videos for Pc. I Have most of the Normal games everyone has like I said above. Please Comment your steam name and youtube channel link. -Crucity :)
  16. Semi God

    Gaming Gaming Collaborations

    Hey guys so if any of you guys has a PS4 and has Black ops 3 would you like to colab because I always love to make videos with anyone really because it's just so much fun! If you are intrested reply to this thread or message me / tweet me on twitter: @SemiGodGaming Bye! :)
  17. zack burke

    Gaming Pc Collab anyone? Wot ?

    i got world of tanks and and other games hit me up
  18. HarryPlays

    Gaming A bit of info on my Minecraft and other game YouTube channel!

    heyo every one! My name is Harry an I only signed up to freedom yesterday! I am a big Minecraft multiplayer gamer who also loves zt2 (zoo tycoon 2) I am mostly looking to grow my YouTube number to around 50 subscribers and make new friends near my age to colab with and post with! To see my...