copyright claim

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  1. iGoDZoFLuiGii

    Solved Video copyright claimant (what to do)

    So Ive uploaded a video to be schedule to be public, and it got a copyright claimant on it. down belown Ive uploaded the image I posted to my Twitter Page. Ive already filed a dispute and said its in Fair use, as im spending 90% of the video talking about it, discussing my thoughts and...
  2. Hyderpony

    Network Wish freedom had a copyright toll.

    I wish Freedom had a tool in place where I can make a copyright claim on my videos on someone else's channel and make money off that video and not just a copyright take down request.
  3. iGoDZoFLuiGii

    YouTube Movie Reviews? Copyright help.

    So recently I wanted to do Movie reviews, this thought has been with me for about 4 years now, and the one thing thats holded me off was the copyright with it. Now I know I can do a review about a movie, but im more concerned about the footage / materials I can use in my video. because I know I...
  4. Anime Heaven

    SquaredPoints übt illegal content claimes aus

    Hallo zusammen, gestern habe ich meine Review zu KADOKAWA und A-1 Pictures ERASED hochgeladen. Ich erwartete sogar, das KADOKAWA das Video claimen und monetarisieren würde, dagegen hätte ich nichts gehabt. Nun war es aber so, dass das MCN SquaredPoints, welches KEINE RECHTE, Vereinbarungen...
  5. XxstonyxX

    Solved Copyright for games

    So how can i go about copyright with game's i got a bunch of copyright and they all gaming , in from Nintendo , Square enix , and bandai
  6. jecoconono

    In progress Help with resolving false copyright claim?

    Hello, two of my videos have been hit with a fake copyright claim, I sent an appeal but the holder of the claim can just choose to keep it to leach money off of me. The copyrighter is SACEM, which, if is true, is "the rights organisation in France". Now the only thing SACEM can copyright are...
  7. Creative Myth

    YouTube Youtube Copyright Claims

    So I made a video in Dark Souls 2 and uploaded it on Monday. 5 minutes after making the video public it got copyright claimed. It says 2 channels copyright claimed it but it's only one claim. I didn't use anybody's video or content. Didn't use anybody's song. Didn't take anything fro anyone's...
  8. LW001

    Tips & Tricks Content ID Match and Copyright Strikes [GUIDE]

    Hello Freedom. This thread will be directed towards people who have received Copyright Strikes or Content ID Matches. As the Content ID and Strike Systems can be confusing at times and I’ve just recently gotten rid of two Content ID matches I’ve wanted to sit down and summarize what everyone...
  9. J

    Solved Disable in 7 days?

    Hello, I received a justified strike on 2x my video from Valve. Sad, but thats truth. At the same time, someone start harm my channel and claim 2 my videos from wrong emails, so now my channel got 4 claims and 67k subscribers channel disable because of false copyright? Great job. I filed...
  10. Eldon CoutinhoTV


    I don't know of late I am getting copyright claims against Videos I had posted months ago. I am not sure why is this happening , though it does help my cause as I am slowing transitioning from gaming channel to a not so gaming channel , But I genuinely worried this does not keep...
  11. Nice

    Solved Freedom Copyright Claim

    Hi, Just woke up a couple of minutes ago and read the message my gf left me earlier and she said she was Copyrighted by Freedom! which was ridiculous since she was out of Freedom! about 3 to 4 days ago. Why would Freedom! claim her own made content? It was just absurd so I'm not sure where to...
  12. KiAnimeStuff

    Escalated to Support Copyright Help

    Hi there Freedom! family I'm a Freedom! partner and I just recently had 4 of my videos ripped off of me and was wondering if Freedom! helps their partners with copyright stuff. I've already sent in a report to YouTube on all 4 videos. Thanks for the help if anyone could help me out get this done...
  13. J

    Solved copyright claim & strike

    Hello, I recently got a claim after I found a free hack for it and recorded it then put a download in the description, it was the company that made the hack that claimed me and i think its fair use but im not a lawyer. Please help me get this strike taken off my account.
  14. Camomano99

    Solved Copyright claim

    So this morning I wake up to a copyright claim on an old video. The thing is all of this is in game sounds. If anyone has some advice I could really use it.
  15. K

    Solved Youtube Strike and Copyright Strike

    So i got a strike on my YouTube account today for (Insighting Violence and hate crime) even though the video was just a video of me doing a boss fight in a game.I also got a copyright claim for some copyright free music that has stopped being monetized and now all revenue for that video going to...
  16. heroin

    Solved False Strikie,Copyright strike

    Hey my freedom buddys,so i think that this happened to many of you and you can't find help too. I contacted youtube but still no answer from them,i contacted freedom no answer (I made ticket for something else 20days ago still no answer), i tried to get in touch with George and i hope that he'll...
  17. Dylan Gaming-TV

    Complaints Copyright claim ( GOD of war 2 )

    Hi everyone , i recently uploaded a new video about god of war 2 and in the fight between the titans and the gods there's this music and its copyrighted on my channel and i'm not sure as i searched a lot on the internet for that to maybe contact the owners or anything that could help me remove...
  18. ConneelyS

    Community Tunes Music on Freedom Network CopyRighted ?!

    I just got back from Insomnia57 and wanted to upload a highlights video from the weekend. I decided to use some to make it look super sweet, I made sure to search through Freedoms Lists of Music to find Non-Copyrighted stuff. When I uploaded the video I got 2 Copyright notices saying the music I...
  19. nathaniel19

    Solved HELP!! HELP!! ANYONE!!

    Youtube copyright laws are out of control!! I get hit with claims because of my freedom of speech?? W.T....FILP YOUTUBE!! #wtfu
  20. 1adog1

    Solved False Copyright Claim By [Epic Music Syndicate]

    Hi everyone, I've got a bit of a problem. I got an email today stating that my first channel introduction from 3 years ago was claimed by a group called "Epic Music Syndicate". The content in question is a song called "Mind Heist" by Zack Hemsey. As per YouTube's copyright database, the song is...