
  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
  • Remember to read the F.A.Q. before posting in the Support section/Portal!
  1. Acrenzo

    Solved Unable to login dashboard. Account deleted?

    Hi, I'm trying to login to my Freedom dashboard using my main youtube account but it says "We can't find an account registered to". I wasn't able to login to epidemic either. I'm able to login to the forums fine, I've got the same email ID for both.
  2. Z

    Solved So where is the Yellow Button ? ....

    Apparently i need a yellow button ... so where is it ?
  3. Johannes89

    Payment Update

    I just want to find out when the system will be updated on freedom dashboard as my miner have being updated last time in march and ive being mining every single day since then my pc is running 24/7 online with the miner so i would love to see how much ive being mining
  4. Jones Laura

    Dashboard Default Upload Profile Tool

    Hello @George and @Freedom! Community Forums greetings, I'm also a part of our big #Freedom!Family for pass few months :) . Freedom! really providing a very lots of tools and resources, which really helpful for lots and lots of our freedom family. But these resources are not needed for me :/...
  5. Denntonn

    Solved My channel has been under review for ages!?

    Hey my if your reading this your prob's willing to answer my question, My channel on the dashboard has been under review for around 6 month's now i was partnered but then i had a copyright strike and ever since then it's been under review but this was going back month's and my channel is now...
  6. 390Trains

    Dashboard Freedom! Revenue Page Suggestion

    I propose that the Freedom! Dashboard is updated to include our revenue in local currencies. Share your views!
  7. Johannes89

    Dashboard Freedom Apk

    Hey guys how about making a freedom apk where you can check everything via a mobile app when u not on pc for the forum will freedom be doing something like this in future
  8. Daegnard

    Freedom! News [Dashboard] Nuevo método de pago: Tipalti

    ¡Hola! Como habíamos comentado en otro de nuestros vídeos, en Freedom! estamos implementando nuevas formas para que los usuarios puedan elegir otras posibilidades para cómo y cuando recibir sus ingresos. En este vídeo de Freedom! en Español te contamos cómo activar el método de pago Tipalti en...
  9. CaliSpielt

    Solved I can't login

    i can't login to my freedom dashboard need help!
  10. Daegnard

    Freedom! News [Dashboard] Qué son y cómo activar los pagos adelantados

    ¡Hola! El sistema normal de pagos en Youtube exige retrasar los envíos dos meses para que Google tenga tiempo a calcular distintos parámetros como las visitas monetizadas, el CPM de ese determinado mes y la cantidad total generada. Pero en Freedom! queremos ir más allá y acercaros la...
  11. LW001

    Dashboard The German Dashboard situation™

    Hello Freedom! Forum users and Developers. not like any dev will see this lmao May I start off by saying that this thread will include quite a bit of rage so if you don't want to scroll through it to add a reply, click here to write one xd So the current state of Translations is - Straight up...
  12. Fact Bits

    Dashboard No freedom dashboard option on different computer

    Hello, I see no freedom dashboard option inside YouTube while using different computer. Whats wrong?
  13. Evil Kids

    Solved I've been partnered but now showing under review

    I'm partnered with freedom! since 2014 it was working good till last year, than suddenly my freedom dashboard stopped showing revenue. i asked here and they said you've to wait for 3 months. After 3 months when i logged in, account started showing under review but approved in the revenue...
  14. The Explaining Guy!

    Solved Revenue Update

    I know that it takes time for the revenue to update next month. But my question is can someone provide me a estimated date range around which the revenue gets updated in dashboard. Eg : for Google AdSense it takes first 15 days of the month. Whats the range for freedom?
  15. TheOneSin

    Dashboard Any agents online to help?

    Just wondering if there is anyone online to help connect my account to youtube to get the process rolling? I was told by via email to hit the green button to talk to an agent to get it started, but there has been no one online the past few days.
  16. The Explaining Guy!


    Just joined Freedom! And I have a whole bunch of questions..Is there anyone outthere to help me..Plase reply here or message me. I HAVE ALREADY CONTACTED THE SUPPORT BUT NO REPLY SINCE TWO DAYS.
  17. The Explaining Guy!

    Solved Revenue Report Problem

    I partnered with freedom 2 days ago and whenever I check my Revenue report in freedom dashboard it shows nothing(No Catchup!). I have already linked my paypal account. HOW CAN I TRACK MY DAILY REVENUE THAT I EARN. AND HOW CAN I KNOW IF I AM GETTING ANY INVALID CLICKS?
  18. Daegnard

    Freedom! News [Dashboard] ¿Dónde está tu Freedom! ID?

    ¡Hola! Para muchos de los procesos que puedes realizar en el Dashboard de Freedom! es necesario que te identifiques aportando tu ID. La ID del panel de Freedom, la necesitarás por ejemplo durante la revisión del contenido de tu canal para su posterior invitación, cuando acudes al departamento...
  19. Daegnard

    Freedom! News [Dashboard] Vincular otro canal

    ¡Hola! Al realizar tu registro en el Dashboard de Freedom! habrás registrado el canal que hayas especificado durante el proceso. Pero, ¿Qué ocurre si deseas añadir un segundo o tercer canal por ejemplo? En este vídeo de Freedom! en Español te contamos cómo añadir más canales al registro para...
  20. Ashley SilverDust

    Community Community Team Weekly Wrap Up

    Happy October! I have a feeling it is going to be a good month. I think it's off to a pretty good start for the Freedom! family. Find out about the Dashboard updates, an announcement about a community team member, FTU updates, progress with the Minecraft server, & more! Let's wrap up this week...