
  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
  • Remember to read the F.A.Q. before posting in the Support section/Portal!
  1. J

    Gaming Hey Whats Up Guys JxGaming here

    Hey Guys JxGaming here and I am a new member of Freedom! so I may need your help to guide me through and tell me what I should know in the comment here! Anyway Lemme introduce myself. My channel name ix JxGaming which currently have 30subs and I would really appreciate if you guys support me as...
  2. Mikolajek 451

    Forums Freedom! Polish Forum Suggestion

    Hi Freedom! I'd like to have Polish freedom forum. I want to see Polish creators making progress on the Forum network too. Btw why when i going to the forum always redricting me to and saying that the website is not avaliable? I want to see Polish freedom! forum really...
  3. Hilecer

    Network New Language

    Ehy Freedom staff. Can you add the italian language? Because a lot of italian use Freedom and i think always speak english for the support it's boring and for the tutorials for joining freedom, if you don't know english you can't joining freedom; Then, you can add the italian language? Is it...
  4. A True Geek

    News Check Out My New Geek Channel!!!

    Hey Guys! today i just ant your suggestion on my channel i have started my YouTube channel on 2011 but due to some personal reasons i have shut it up! but i have re-opened it and i want you guys to give me some suggestion???
  5. HealPleaseHeal

    Community Let's Cringe at our first videos!

    Hey guys. As most of you creators out there have improved on your videos, made them more appealing to fans and learned from your mistakes, it's always funny to go back and see what you did when you first started out. So let's see them! As creators (gaming, music, videos, etc) it's always a...
  6. TheOfficialWierdguy

    Need a good tip!

    Okay guys i am theofficialwierdguy aka Robin, i need a new pc and i wonder what pc is good ? And what software is good for a very low end pc for editing ? that all have a great day!! check me out on twitter and youtube : Twitter: theoffiwierdguy youtube: Theofficialwierdguy
  7. I

    Gaming Introduction

    Hello fellow partners within the freedom community!!! I'm very excited to start this journey in my life. I am a Gamer its what I love always have always will! from my first Atari all the way up to Pc and Xbox One. if it has buttons I'll probably beat you ;) I enjoy having fun working with...
  8. Acrenzo

    Solved How do I add an image to my signature and make the links clickable?

    Can some one tell me how to do it ^? I added the tags between the direct link of my img and I can see it in the preview but can't see it in any of the posts I have made. Same thing with the links,it is clickable when I preview my signature but otherwise its not.
  9. Zovonic

    Solved Won't let me connect Freedom!

    On my freedom! settings page when i try to set my forum name and after i enter every thing in and click "connect" nothing happens how can i fix this?
  10. LucaGames5

    Network I can not connect my forum account with the network

    I click the button to connect, enter my data. Continue to give nothing happens
  11. M

    Opinion What's the best game to record now?

    I would like your opinion on whats the best game to record now Thanks in advance :D
  12. Munchie Videos

    Community Hey Guys, I'm Ryan From Munchie Videos

    Hey Guys! I'm Ryan. Thanks for Welcoming me to the Freedom Family! I am a 25 year old dad, fiancé, and Registered Veterinary Technician who enjoys gaming and video editing. I came across Freedom after looking into MCN's for youtube while looking to improve my channel. While I enjoy video...
  13. E

    Network Android/iOS app

    I personally am on my phone more than i am my computer and i think it would be a good idea to have a dashboard and forum app for android/iOS devices, i feel like it would bring more activity to the forums and make it easier for alot of members to check their dashboards...
  14. Dylan McKenzie

    Forums Freedom Chat App

    Hey Guys, I was reading over some of the really cool suggestions regarding a freedom forum app and various fixes to the forum chat on both PC and mobile and an idea hit me, No idea if its ever been suggested before. How about a dedicated freedom chat mobile app, admittedly this idea doesnt aim...
  15. HealPleaseHeal

    Fun and Games Watcha Doin'?

    This is a simple, yet kind of creeper type of game. Tells you a bit about myself. o_O It's simple, give us your time, what you're wearing, and what you're doing. Example: It's 10:14am here and I got on a pair of black jeans, a striped shirt and am at work contemplating life! Your turn...
  16. DieUnko

    Fun and Games Who would you be?

    The game is simple all you have to do is ask a question and the next person answers. Example: person 1: who would you be a ninja or a pirate? person 2: ninja. But after you answer you have to ask another question. And the question has to be a who would you be question. I'll...
  17. FainterStreak

    Fun and Games The Two Word Game!!

    This game is really fun, and simple. So the game goes like this: I say two words. You must continue with that word by using the last word as your first. EXAMPLE: Person 1: Apple iPhone Person 2: iPhone game Person 3: Game Boy Person 4: Boy friend And so on! So I'll start us off. No School
  18. Daclypse

    Forums Freedom! Forum app!

    So I think it would be REALLY awesome to have a forum app.. Don't know how much you guys use the forum on your mobile devices or tablets but it's not the most user friendly looking thing and an app would work really well! Now I know the Dev team have a LOT under their belt so it's a massive...
  19. HealPleaseHeal

    Fun and Games Name Your Gear!

    Alright guys, this is pretty simple game. Most of you have played games and most of those games you've had to collect gear (helmet, gloves, boots, sword, chest piece,) so on and so on. The main purpose of this is to create your own gear and tell us what it can do. Very similar how in Diablo if...
  20. M

    Gaming Hello everyone! It's Moozio Here!