
  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
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  1. AustinCreates24

    GFX Personal Christmas designs for your loved ones! Only till 20th of December!

    Hi! It's the time of the year again. Christmas. Surprise your friends with a personal Christmas card! This means that you can take any personal subject to them and have a Christmas card from that subject. Or would you like to have their presents wrapped up in their favorite game characters? All...
  2. sazchick20

    Entertainment Hi peeps what's happening? I'm Back

    Hey peeps what's happening? I'm Sarah (my friends call me Saz.... your choice :)) I used to be on here a lot but I've taken a break and I'm back now. Im 29 and live in West Sussex. I mainly upload The Walking dead reaction videos every Monday/Tuesday and a video every friday called "Friday...
  3. I

    Gaming New to Freedom slightly new to Youtube

    We are about 7 months old but as for how Youtube works I'm a veteran. This channel is based off my friends and my dream of doing more for the world creating a community on a gaming channel and doing charity streams and more! However that's a ways away haha but we are happy to be a part of...
  4. ItsALI

    Gaming Looking for people to collab with!!! (PC & PS4)

    Hello there I am looking for people to collab with. I have a PC & PS4. I play a variety of games such as Call of duty, Grand theft auto, CSGO and many more. I really want to build like a group on YouTube where we make videos together and have fun. I am looking for people that have a decent...
  5. Y

    Gaming Hello Everyone

    Hey guys, my name is Fernando Scott II but better known as Sibzz. I'm currently trying to get to 100 subscribers and I would really like to reach 500 by the end of the year. I'm from Dallas Texas and I make gaming videos, I try to do what pleases my subscribers and if people from here were to...
  6. H

    Entertainment H B Mohan Lal From India With Love

    Hello Friends, Iam H B Mohan Lal (got YouTube Channel “ H B Mohan Lal”), 38 from India. I Heard about Freedom on YouTube while I was looking for a best MCN’s, hope I’ll get support from respective FREEDOM Family and the Forums by accepting me as a new Freedom Family Member. Honestly, I want to...
  7. J

    PC Collaboration CSGO, Minecraft, etc Collaboration..

    Hey There, My name is Junan, and unlike my close youtube friends. I still to Let's Play's a other gaming stuff.I tend to not care for swearing or other messed up or dark humor, whatever makes you laugh. So I need more people to record with. If you are instered let me know add me on discord at...
  8. thedudeman36

    Film/Animation When Should a TV Show End?

    Today, I talked about when I think TV shows should end.

    Gaming Que tal!, busco colaboraciones.

    Hola que tal, soy LOGI y busco gente para hacer colaboraciones y no solamente eso sino que tambien conocernos para hacer planes. Me refiero a hacer grabaciones en vivo como Twitch o en Youtube, hacer gameplays o subir videos. Soy de Mexico, y no importa si hay colaboraciones de otros paises en...
  10. SprPsycho

    PlayStation Collaboration PS4 CoD Group

    I'm looking for a group of cool people who want to chill and play PS4 and share a few laughs. Like when everybody used to party up and max it out. If you want to chill then post your PSN name. Lets make some new friends guys! (just please be mature)
  11. MaZTo BP

    Gaming hola, alguien le gustaría colaborar con migo? :v

    yo sincermente soy muy alegre y divertido...el unico problema es mi pc:( es del todo buena pero corre algunos juegos online como el counter nexon zombies, team forttres, entre otros de bajo grafic (solo que minecraft no me gusta subirlo a mi canal o_O ) mi conexion es bueno...bueno de ves...
  12. crosbymowry

    Life Vlogs every Saturday !

  13. Dominrriko


    One morning to start, Good Morning SEE MY NEW VIDEO, HERE UNDER THE LINK It's in Spanish friends
  14. DraycosDragon

    PC Collaboration Multiple PC Games (collabs accepted)

    I've recently downloaded over 7 games and I've had a few prior to getting them. I would like to do collab video with other people on the games. If you have Steam and at least 1 of the following games and you are 16 years of age or older and if you have either a Twitch or YouTube, then please let...
  15. JDMAXimius

    Gaming (JDMAXimius) Hello guys and welcome to my channel!

    Hey I am new here and I would love to be part to this amaizing community. I have a YouTube channel, I would like if you watch and tell me your opinión and subscribe would be amazing! I am JDMAXimius, here you find the gameplays, tips, information, and 3d artist and game design videos like...
  16. Mikolajek 451

    Music Music Collab

    Hello Long time don't see with that forum, i was unactive due to my own personal problems & boring doing youtube videos, but for now, i wanna do an little collab. I already made a other thread about same stuff, but i wanna update it - So yeah, i wanna make music collab, this will make hella long...
  17. WePlayForThem

    Gaming Grow With WP4T, Tons of Collabs Open!

    Updating the posting with Player information, They will be listed below the game that they chose. Joining a project is easy and make friends, grow your channel, and help out a cause. Everything is beneficial to everyone. Please be sure you are committed to completing the game, with all...
  18. Nojus

    Gaming Meet me! You won't be discouraged! ^^

    Hello! Your name/alias: My real name is Nojus. YouTube name finalshar3. Where are you from?: I am from Lithuania. One of the Baltic countries. How old are you?: I'm 15 years old. How did you find Freedom!? I find it in YouTube. What made you join our forums?: I want to meet new people, I...
  19. Fun Times

    Gaming My friends betray me in Overwatch!

    I hope you enjoy! Sorry the audio isn't the clearest, I record on my PS4.
  20. DarkboyPlayz

    Gaming Hi Everyone! :D

    Hi I'm DarkboyPlayz,I'm a Gaming YouTuber and i'm ready to make people happy and grow a bigger fan base with Freedom!. I'm also here to enjoy the community Freedom has made make new friends and enjoy everything they have done! -DarkboyPlayz (y) (Y)