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  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
  • Remember to read the F.A.Q. before posting in the Support section/Portal!
  1. Ch3rry

    Resources Discord Server to Help Video Editors, Artists, Coders and MORE! This is a place for creators of any type. If you are an artist, musician, programmer, or/and video editor then please feel free to join us! Thank You for Your Time :D
  2. Sab4afa

    GFX Any graphic designers i can collab with?

    Hey!, my name is Sab4afa. i would like to collab with a graphic designer, i dont want noobs i want pro or like me. why? beacuse if he is pro i learn from him and if i do something he dont know he can learn from me. so beacuse we can learn from each other and make a good Collab and i mention...
  3. Frosted Technology

    Tech I'm New!

    Hey everyone! My name is Cody and I run the channel Frosted Technology and I'm new to Freedom. All of you probably don't know what my channel is because I'm really small but it would mean a lot if you guys come and check out my channel and help me grow! :) It would be awesome if you guys could...
  4. Anthony Henao

    Gaming Gaming Group (Average Gamers)

    HEY! We wanted to know if you are interested in joining our group Average Gamers right now we are two we accept people of consoles and PC we all work together, to help each other grow each individual's channel to the max. You are your own limit, if you believe you will grow to 100 only then...
  5. T

    Community I'll collaborate in anyway, via email or instagram

    Hi guys, I am here to collaborate with anyone that would like to. I will try to do any sort of collaboration. I really would like it if someone that has a larger channel than me could possibly take intrest in my channel and maybe could help me grow. Anyways, if you want to collaborate, just...
  6. T

    Community I'll collaborate in anyway, via email or instagram

    Hi guys, I am here to collaborate with anyone that would like to. I will try to do any sort of collaboration. I really would like it if someone that has a larger channel than me could possibly take intrest in my channel and maybe could help me grow. Anyways, if you want to collaborate, just...
  7. GeorgeHD

    Community Lets YouTube be friends

    The title is *Lets be YouTube friends* Hello everyone my name is George and I just want us to be YouTube friends. We can collaborate on videos that we post, and help each other grow. *Link your channel below so I can check it out, also leave some feedback on my channel please* My skype...
  8. Koyunuko

    Community Having a hard time

    Hey guys. How are you doing? I'm having a very hard time trying to record a new video. I think I'm not confident enough but I'm trying to overcome that. I know many of you will think it's silly and stupid of me to think that but that's a real struggle. Did any of you feel like that? How did...
  9. GeorgeHD

    Gaming More Minecrafters for an SMP

    My Channel: *Please give me some feedback on my channel* My name is George AKA George HD on youtube and me and some guys have teamed up for a Minecraft SMP of 5-10 and we need about 5 more people. Our first episode on...
  10. Arries TV

    Community Hey guys! Arries TV here.

    Hi everyone! If you want to help and support me please subscribe to my YouTube channel.My name is Arno Scholtz. I have aspergers syndrome, Currently I live in South Africa amd as some might know there is racial issues. I'm currently trying to help my parents raise money for us to get out of...
  11. semo

    Community Let's Grow Together in YouTube

    Hello every one.Invites all of you to my YouTube Channel.Welcome for cross promotion (SUBSCRIPTION & Channel COLLABORATION). Let's help one another and grow together in YouTube. :);):cool:(y) (Y)
  12. GeorgeHD

    Gaming I need your help

    My name is George HD and I really need help on my youtube channel I would love if you check out my channel below and give me some feedback Age: 14 Things found on my channel: gaming, tutorials, vlogs, and anything you want me to do My Channel...
  13. S

    GFX Help needed!

    could any of you fellow youtubers help me make a intro/banner please(y) (Y)
  14. TheUltimateVertex

    PC Collaboration Looking for Gaming Collab

    I am looking for a collaboration on Minecraft, CS:GO or Garry's mod. You must have 20+ subs. Hopefully this will help us both grow together as a team. Pm me if you are interested! Can't wait:)
  15. Y

    Solved No ads I am very sad and I was left Adsense ads here !!

    لا تستثمر وادي مقاطع الفيديو لا تظهر لهم الإعلانات حتى على الرغم من أنني قدمت على الشبكة قبل يومين والتي وافق عليها يوم ونصف، ولكن حتى الآن أي إعلانات على الرغم من موافقة وكانت قناة رابط / قناة / UC4t3qdhm7Rop3o4MjRtb7Iw
  16. Games GambitYT

    Gaming Where can I get BO3 for cheap?

    Hey there! I was just wondering if any of you guys know a place to get deals on BO3 and other games, if you happen to know any, Please reply to me it, Thanks!
  17. C

    Gaming Check my Youtube out

    I'm at 55 subs. I love making YouTube videos! I love the process of making a video. All the editing etc. I LOVE IT. my Goal Is To get 1K subs at the ending of the year! I Literally Spend all day On YouTube Watching YouTube Videos! If you can help me out by checking out some of my videos and...
  18. Thomas Eccles

    Gaming Hello... MMW Here... Introducing myself!

    Sit Down and get a cup of tea, its going to be a long read... My name is Thomas Eccles, and i am working with Rhys, if you have watched any of my videos then you should know who we are! I Started YouTube Last year, I wasn't very active when i started, but getting more and more active now, as...
  19. wiskorgaming

    Gaming I would love to help other gaming channels!

    I am offering help to other channels that would like help :) I will be giving out shoutouts, also tips if anyone would like. Be sure to ask, I always answer and I read all replies :)
  20. Evasive Eight019

    Service Request Review my channel

    Age: 27 Channel Main Topic: Gaming X box One and Pc I'm looking for someone to give me feed back on my channel anything would be nice. I'm looking to make my channel grow with the help of my freedom family. Amount of Subscribers: 75 Other ways to contact you: [email protected]...