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  1. C

    Anime/Manga Thoughts on making your own anime?

    So lately I've been watching some anime and been teaching myself some of the basic concepts of animations, have ya'll ever considered of making your own anime?
  2. Crazy Dubs Productions

    Film/Animation Crazy Dubs Productions

    Howdy I'm Crazy Dubs Productions, I do mostly parody voice actings of non-English cartoons and heavily edit the music and sfxs to make them stand out. I am 100% available for collaborations. I am also a colourist\shader as well, you can see I have a full-coloured short animation on my channel...
  3. IvyPlayGamez

    Opinion Just got hurt...NO1 LIKES ANIME!!!

    It really hurts hearing my mom saying this over and over again, the reason why i don't sell anythig it's because no1 likes it and no one is interested...people don't like it, that's why when i made my christmas sale for 2.50$ nobody likes it...I honestly am giving up everything

    Fun and Games If you could be in any anime what character would you be?

    Have fun and pick any character you want.

    Opinion Ok I know this is very late but...

    This is late but i feel that this would be the best time to post this. Leave a vote down below and let me know what you think. I'm a huge anime, and comic fan and this seems like the most sensable match up.
  6. Deathlake

    Community Thoughts on Death note amercan remake ?

    Please do comment below or on the actual video your thoughts on remakes, good or bad ones? if you've watched the new death note American version what was your thoughts on it? Rant on the new Death note Netflix movie 2017 version D :
  7. IvyPlayGamez

    YouTube Added My art channel to the comunity

    I know I'm not a very chatty person....not even on my discord, I don't talk much....but after a month of waitting I finally left another disappointing community and joined freedom with my art channel! I am not making a new account for the art channel, I will use this one... But yeah, Hi again I...
  8. Anime Heaven

    News Anime Heaven is here

    So then I would like to introduce myself here. My name is Stefan Kallay and I am 25 years old. Born and grew up and currently living in Weingarten in Germany. Through Freedom, I am struck by a coincidence ^ ^, my hobbies are next to gaming, anime and manga as well as Japan, which is why my...
  9. Anime Heaven

    Anime Heaven stellt sich vor

    So dann möchte ich mich auch mal hier vorstellen :). Mein Name ist Stefan Kallay und ich bin 25 Jahre alt. Geboren und aufgewachsen sowie derzeit wohnhaft bin ich Weingarten Lkr. Ravensburg. Durch Freedom bin ich durch Zufall gestoßen ^^, meine Hobbies sind neben Gaming, Anime und Manga sowie...
  10. Nerd

    Anime/Manga Ultimate Manga List ~! Reviews/Discussions

    Hello there guys ! First of all, just to explain what this thread is all about. Right here you will find the list of greatest and bestest manga ever for all genres ! (At least all genres that I've read) Each of the manga will have a link to the review thread. While this main post is just a list...
  11. Refoc

    Anime/Manga Hmm Any good action packed anime?

    Im finishing one of the best animes ever made Sousei no onmyouji (Twin star exorcists) (When i say one of the best anime ever made that's just my opinion ;)) but yeah... I wanna know some anime that are action packed and are from 2012-2017 and maybe don't have just 12 eps (cause i get addicted...

    Gaming TRANSFORMING INTO SUPER SAIYAN 4! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!

  13. Nerd

    Anime/Manga Tales of demons and gods [Manga Review]

    Hello there again guys. I am back with another review for a thing that hardly anyone has heard of.... its MANGA So recently I've re read (yes, i read some manga multiple times, just my thing) this manga called "Tales of demons and gods" and thought I could share the joys of manga with all of...
  14. Fernando Moura

    Entertainment Resenhas/Reviews

    Oi gente, eu sou novo em usar os fórums, então achei que valia a pena me apresentar. Faço resenhas a cada 2 semanas (salvo atrasos :p), alternando entre Games, Séries (anime mais que outras), Filmes e Quadrinhos/Manga. Quem estiver interessado, adoraria fazer vídeos cooperativos. Also, I can...
  15. Patrick C

    Service Request Looking for someone to draw concept art!

    Hello everyone, I'm working on a secret project and need some help from talented people. If anyone is intrested in drawing please let me know and we can talk about. (You need to have art to show to me that you have done) You can contact me at Twitter- MisterMagooGN YouTube- GamingNationMNS...
  16. mark street 2

    Service Request Character Art/ 2D Animation Request

    Hey, this might be a stretch asking this but I need a 2d animated intro, drawn like a cartoon, not like moving text and stuff like actual characters moving. And those aforementioned characters I also need a profile- esk drawn of them, I can explain into more detail if you possibly can :D
  17. StephanieEmerald

    Entertainment Hey there! Im a new youtube channel! ^_^

    Hello everyone! Im Stephanie and I've been in love with Anime, Manga, and Kpop for the longest time now. There's not really much to say about myself except for the fact that my favorite color is black and that I tend to fangirl a lot. I've moved around quite a bit and have constantly moved...
  18. Amhinataros

    Entertainment Bonjour and Hello Everyone ! :)

  19. K

    Entertainment Kivo Comics!

    Hey everyone! Kivo Comics is a little group consisting of both Davo (Design) and Kizz (Story) and what we do is create Manga's for everyone to read and enjoy! We aim to have our readers have an exciting time while also being moved to the story of our characters and the stories they follow...
  20. Zachary Harris

    Comedy I got a headache making this video.

    Like, before I realized that this was just a character she made, my head was pounding at how cringy it was. But like I said, her videos are actually kind of funny. I linked her channel in the description if any of you want to check it out.