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  1. Crazylawrence

    Opinion If Immortality was available, would you take it?

    Hey Freedom Family, I was watching a video from Northernlion the last day or so and he brought up a topic which I think could have very opposed views. That topic is obviously in the title, Immortality. Most would know, but if you don't, Immortality is basically eternal life, which means that...
  2. Fluke

    Gaming Hi you alright?

    Hi you alright, i'm Fluke and i make gaming videos, these include commentaries on news as well as life story's and lets plays. I upload one video a day so you are never short of entertaining content. If that sounds like something you are interested in, then please remember to give me channel a...
  3. ApolloGamingNMS

    WIP Just looking for FeedBack On Our INTRO

    Hi guys & thanks for checking this out, this is a newly created, unlisted *(BETA)* intro for our opening trailer Any and all feed back is appreciated. To visit the Alpha channel trailer and intro to gain a perspective on what we are aiming to achieve before & after the launch Of No Man's SKy...
  4. EquanzaGaming

    Opinion Operation Dust Line - Rainbow Six Siege

    Operation Dust Line - Rainbow Six Siege If any of you out there play Rainbow Six Siege, I'm sure you'll of seen the teaser trailer for the new "Operation Dust Line" DLC. If you haven't, you can see it here. So, we know we're getting two new operators, one new map, and possibly some (much needed)...
  5. MWproductions1000

    VLOG Thoughts on the Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Trailer

    Today I give my thoughts and opinions on the Call of Duty Halo Titanfall Battlefront Warfare trailer (unoriginal joke is unoriginal) Are you excited for space battles or do you feel the franchise is way beyond stale?
  6. ThatNerdWithTheHair

    Opinion Pros/Cons of Partnering?

    I'm thinking of partnering with Freedom, of course, but I don't want to jump in blindly. I figured I should ask the people how their experience with it has been, both pros and cons. I noticed that they get a percentage of your earnings, so wouldn't that mean I'll get even less earnings than I...
  7. Flow Citric

    Community Do you like Intros or nah?

    Im curious to see if viewers like intro or not. Please tell me your opinion below :)
  8. HealPleaseHeal

    Opinion Upload Schedules

    Hey guys, so I wanted to get your opinions on something. I've made a schedule for myself for my gaming channel. Before i would upload a random times with no consistency and at times if I had a lot of content, it would be a daily upload. But now I upload every Tuesday and Thursday just because my...
  9. Forward Ho!

    Opinion What kind of content do you want to see from me?

    Hey guys! John here, for Forward Ho! Productions, and I want some opinions on what type of content I should make next, for example, I can make VFX shorts, sketches and things of that nature, or I could make some tutorials on how to do the effects like I would do in my main shorts... I can teach...
  10. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming Thoughts on Gaming Videos - Lucius

    Hey guys, i've been doing some Lucius play-throughs and I would love to get your opinions on the vids. Let me know your thoughts. Here's the latest one.