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  1. Deathlake

    Film/Animation christmas tree as a person!

    Drew a Christmas tree as if it was a person! what are your guys fav Christmas treat, snack, food or did you decorate for Christmas? which do you prefer more Christmas day or boxing day? Personally I prefer boxing day over Christmas with all the sales...
  2. Deathlake

    Other Milestone Animation in art gallery!

    Snabirtle Circus animation that I spent a year on as a final major project for uni BA animation degree, got shown in a Art gallery film event!^^ Full animation tackling some sensitive topics, never enough time to complete an animation. So many things I wished I redone or added D :
  3. Deathlake

    Other Milestone animations screened in a convention 3 years in a row!

    Manged to get my thesis film "Snabirtle circus" animation that took 1 year to create in the convention. Thankful that they accepted my animations 3 years in a row! had submitted one animation per year I had created for the a BA animation degree^^ which animation do you guys prefer? or what...
  4. Deathlake

    Film/Animation Afterlife?

    what do you guys think would happen in the after life, if you can pick what happens in the afterlife what would it be like or if you could pick a method of death what would it be and why! Drew to the Inktober prompt" guarded" for this doodle of Death at the afterlife door...
  5. Deathlake

    Film/Animation Whale witch!

    ASMR narrated version A faster time lapse with music overlaid Been experimenting with narrating videos . which do you guys prefer, narrated ASMR videos with the sound of the objects or faster time lapse with music overlaid? who else gets freaked out by being around deep water or partaking...
  6. Deathlake

    Film/Animation exhausted

    experimenting with the premiere feature what are your guys experience of thoughts about the feature? if any of you used it how long did you set it before the video plays or what times you set it at? Did a narrated video over the speed drawing with mini rants about food. what makes you...
  7. Deathlake

    Film/Animation Circus with candy trees!

    created this circus and toffee apples a while for an animation "Snabirtle circus" finally uploaded the record of making of the circus. what are your guys experience of a circus, your fav circus act or type or tree? if you can pick what ever item to grow from a tree what would it be and why? (...
  8. Deathlake

    Film/Animation What makes you cringe?

    super old video, created it 4 - 5 years ago had finally uploaded it. It was blurry, at the time I was so proud of painting on a A1 board. It was my second time ever painting at that size, thought the bigger the better! was so wrong, now every time I look back at the art and makeup I just...
  9. Deathlake

    Other Milestone 105 page artbook and animation!

    Manage to created this 105 page art book in one week for uni as record of making for my thesis film. Had spent a whole year working and completed the animation "Snabirtle circus" as a third year finial major project. Had so many issues in the project but finally completed and handed in both the...
  10. Deathlake

    Film/Animation Animation and design showreel!

    Clips of 3D and 2D animation I created from the past 3 years^^ please do comment below or on the actual video which clip you prefer!
  11. Deathlake

    Film/Animation What does this look like!

    Please do comment below or on the actual video what these images look like to you, in this animation test!
  12. Deathlake

    Film/Animation WHO wants a SHOUTOUT!

    It took a year to create this for uni! offering a shout out to whoever watches this animation then answers these questions! Questions: 1)what do you think the animation is about? 1b) what do you think the moral or message of the story is? 2)What do you think the relationship between the...
  13. Deathlake

    Film/Animation REVEAL!

    Title reveal for thesis animation!. Please do comment below or on the actual video what you think the animation is about just from the title! if you like it or hate it,what genre it looks or sound like. Do you think its a memorable? eg answers 1) what title? 2) forgettable 3) somewhat...
  14. Deathlake

    Film/Animation MANY ANimation TESTS!!

    please do comment below which test you prefer! tried out many styles and effects. One of many animation tests ^^
  15. Deathlake

    Film/Animation If fruit can talk!

    please do comment below or on the actual video what would you do if fruit can talk! what would your questions be? Test animation plague doctor with banana phone tried to add some shadows in. Who needs a phone when you got a banana!
  16. Deathlake

    Other Milestone 100,000 views and 1k subs!

    Reached both 100,000 views and 1000 subscribers for my art and animation channel! in the milestone video looked back on my first ever video and the most popular videos. The 2 milestones came 3 days before the 4 year anniversary of the art channel!! ^^
  17. Deathlake

    Film/Animation BALDING!

    Please do comment below or on the actual video any hair disasters or if you're balding on the top but can rock a beard! Test animation abstract pink hair glitch. Bold patches and twirling hairs o.o
  18. Deathlake

    Gaming Puss! a cat humping another!

    Please do comment below what you thought was a simple game but end up struggling even in the early stages XD or if you own a pet cat! ^^ this one just wants to die o.o, so many deaths.
  19. Deathlake

    Film/Animation Demonic mothers day!

    please do comment below or on the actual video if you're shorter or taller then your parents or you ideal age to have you own Little groin fruits! nothing says happy mothers day then a demonic split voiced narration kiddie style art speed paint speed drawing while talking about the pains of...
  20. Deathlake

    Film/Animation Self harm awareness day

    Since it heavily snowed and its self harm awareness day created this snowman with some footage in between the speed paint. Self harm comes in many different forms not just cutting. People are like snowmen, the temperature, environment and whatevers around can shape who you are and its...