tips and tricks

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  1. The Rubin

    Tips & Tricks YouTube Tips For New YouTubers

    There are many ways to grow on YouTube. You can upload pretty much anything on YouTube. But do not upload inappropriate content, YouTube Tips: - Make your videos longer than 5 minutes as much as possible - Upload consistently (at least 2 videos per week) - Use the YouTube SEO/Tags tool (VidIQ...
  2. Senevids


    I feel the most valuable piece of advice I ever got was to just keep producing what you love. The only surefire thing to help you grow on Youtube, and in life, is to just keep putting yourself out there for the world to enjoy. But what's your biggest piece of advice that you have heard?
  3. Jack Bounds

    Offering I'll review your channel!

    I will review your channel to the best of my ability. I've learnt a lot in the past week myself so I will pass on that information as well as give you any personal tips that I have learnt myself! Video or entire channel it's up to you! I have the most experience with YouTube, but I'll accept...
  4. HealPleaseHeal

    YouTube A Tip On Why Unlisted Videos Are Helpful

    Hey guys, I had a conversation previously with a relatively new and young Youtuber who didn't understand why I had an unlisted video which I haven't released yet. I went on to explain that sometimes when I'm low on content that's considered my filler video, meaning I can uphold my schedule in...
  5. Technology King

    Tech Android Tips and Tricks #1

    Hello everyone! In this video, i am going to show you some tips and tricks for Android devices. Hope you enjoyed, leave some feedback if you did! ;)
  6. GoofyGupta

    Gaming Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks - Switch Your Aim! (IW Tips and Tricks #18)

    Yet another Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks video! In this video, I talk about the importance of switching your aim to the most immediate threat. There are many times when you come across more than one enemy in Infinite Warfare, and its important to switch your aim to help you get more kills...
  7. Lucky Satyr

    Gaming Destiny How To Get Fast Vanguard Reputation

    Hello guys! In this video I show you some tips and tricks on how to get fast and easy Vanguard Reputation in Destiny Rise of Iron! I am very excited to share with you guys these tips and I wanted to make a video explaining the best ways to get fast Vanguard Rep. Anyways hope you guys enjoy this...
  8. GoofyGupta

    Gaming Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks - Turn Bad Cover Into Head Glitches! (IW Tips and Tricks #17)

    In this video, I talk about how to use cover properly in Infinite Warfare and create head glitches out of them, as well as other set-ups to cover up most of your body to put you in a stronger position. Head glitching and properly using cover are things I rarely see in Infinite Warfare, probably...
  9. GoofyGupta

    Gaming Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks - Improve Your Aim By Strafing! (IW Tips and Tricks #16)

    In this Infinite Warfare tips and tricks video, I teach you guys how to improve your aim and accuracy, especially at a distance, by strafing instead of trying to adjust your aim. It can be extremely difficult to adjust your aim at a distance and is prone to lots of errors. Strafing is a much...
  10. GoofyGupta

    Gaming Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks - Pay Attention to Shadows (IW Tips and Tricks #15)

    In this Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks video, I talk about how you can use shadows to your advantage in Infinite Warfare. Graphics have improved enough in Call of Duty over the recent years to the point now where shadows are rendered very well and consistently. Thus, paying attention to them...
  11. GoofyGupta

    Gaming Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks - How To Control Recoil (IW Tips and Tricks #14)

    In this video, I talk about 2 different ways to control recoil in Infinite Warfare. I'm sure there are many other ways you could come up with to control recoil, but these are the two that I use and think are most effective. If you guys do have other methods for controlling recoil, let me know in...
  12. Crazylawrence

    FFF Freedom! Forum Fridays - 9th/10th December 2016

    Hello Freedom! Family! Before we party, we need to wrap up the recent week. From a newly announced contest, to a partner who broke 100K views, it is time to spotlight your threads that caught our eye within the last few weeks. ~~~~~~~~~~ December Contest - 3 Winners! I know many of you were...
  13. GoofyGupta

    Gaming Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks - How To Use Perception Well! (IW Tips and Tricks #13)

    In this Infinite Warfare tips and tricks video, I give you guys some tips on how to use the Perception trait well. Like I talked about in a recent video, the Perception trait is very strong, especially when used with these strategies I give you guys in this video. Some of these ways are tricks...
  14. Crazylawrence

    FFF Freedom! Forum Fridays

    Hello Freedom! Family! It is the start of the Christmas spirit, but also a new weekly wrap-up which will be produced by me, @Nerd and @zeke morgan to highlight the best tips, guides and reviews for the community, as well as selecting the most outstanding milestones and introductions here on the...
  15. GoofyGupta

    Gaming Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks - Die Less, Run From Losing Gunfights (IW Tip and Tricks #12)

    In this Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks video, I talk to you guys about the importance of running from losing gunfights in order to die less. People always talk about winning gunfights and getting more kills, but its just as important to know when to run from gunfights in order to stay alive...
  16. GoofyGupta

    Gaming Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks - Sideways Minimap! (IW Tips and Tricks #11)

    In this Infinite Warfare tips and tricks video, I talk about how you can use the minimap to your advantage in Infinite Warfare. This method has not been possible in previous Call of Duty games because the minimap in Infinite Warfare is rectangular, rather than a square like in previous games. So...
  17. GoofyGupta

    Gaming Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks - Pre-Aim and Pre-Fire (IW Tips and Tricks #10)

    In my 10th Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks video, I talk about pre-aiming and pre-firing. I explain what they are, how to use them and when to use them. These are extremely important tips and tricks that are not just relevant to Infinite Warfare, but all Call of Duty games. Pre-aiming can help...
  18. TB2567

    Gaming Modern Warfare Remastered Tip

    How to boost for headshots
  19. GoofyGupta

    Gaming Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks - 2 Kill Confirmed Tips: Tags and Tunnel Vision (#8)

    Another Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks video where I talk abot two quick Kill Confirmed tips. One involves using the actual tags to your advantage, while the other explains how people run straight for the tags, and how you should use that knowledge. Kill Confirmed is a game mode many play for...
  20. GoofyGupta

    Gaming Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks - YY and Sprint To Reload Cancel (Tips and Tricks #4)

    In this Infinite Warfare Tips and Tricks video, I talk about YY-ing and the sprint reload cancel. YY-ing has been one of the most useful tricks to help win gun fights in Call of Duty history I would argue. In Infinite Warfare, we actually have the option to enable sprint reload cancelling if we...