Community 3 Ways You Can Get Free Steam Games to Play on your Channel.

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Beta Testers
Freedom! Member
Feb 14, 2015
California, USA
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Hey Freedom! World,

Today I have 3 sites that can potentially hook you up with free steam games, in exchange for you playing them on your channel. Check out the three sites below and tell me if you interested, I would like to know if anyone actually went through!

( I hope this is a good spot for the thread :p)

Key mailer is a site that connects you with the devs of games. They will give you a free key for there game in exchange for you playing it/reviewing it on your channel. However, if you are a smaller channel you will most likely only get small, newer indie games. Don't be too enticed when you see games like Rocket League and The Witcher, requesting those keys is not worth your time, and rarely will you be given any AAA games. Request smaller Indie Games that look cool to you, and you might just get one. Also, devs that feel you have potential will offer you keys for there game to play on your channel.

This site will get you larger indie games, and even possibly some AAA titles. But, at first glance there is major skepticism and doubt that it will work. The way the site works is that every time someone clicks on your link you will be rewarded a point, and with just 10 points you can get some nice games like Rust or Dayz. Now, when I tried it I thought it for surely would not work, because after asking 10 of my friends to click and getting enought points for CS:GO, it said I needed to do a "survey" before I could get the code. Oh no, I thought,I thought it was going to be one of those infinite surveys that never end. But to my amazement, the survey somehow thought I did enough and it generated a key for me, and it worked! This site may not work for all though and the reviews are mixed. ( I think only some of the surveys work, and others are buggy or infinite) (THE BEST SITE)

Evolve is a site that has been around for a while, and it once again hooks you right up the devs of the game who can give you free keys when you. It is very similar to keymailer but I think it has a better reputation and better games. Once again, smaller channels are better off requesting smaller games, and the AAA titles are mostly out of reach, even though they are advertised. But I do still recommend to request the big titles, who knows, you may get one!

You will have to connect you YouTube account to sites numbers 1 and 3 but all they can do is view your analytics so the devs can see who they want to play their game. I have 135 and around 4k views, and get offered some indie games like platformers that I don't think I will play on my channel.

The only foggy part about these sites is that if you get offered a key then do you HAVE to play it on your channel. Like could you give it away on your channel? The FAQ does not answer these questions truly, but I have sent a ticket to the key mailer staff and am awaiting a reponse.

One more thing, if you feel like you don't want to try these methods and are doubtful, I don't blame you. The best way to get the games is buy them from Steam and support the devs with your purchase. I hope you guys like this thread and can get some games to play for your channel if your in a money crunch get some cool games.

Thanks for reading,
