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New User
Apr 30, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
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Hi! My channel is PhobicYT and I want to start off by saying I do Advice/Commentaries/Gaming Videos!
Thats like a V.I.P package on Netflix, but free! I do many types of video and I am trying to get noticed and grow now I think I'm good at what I am doing I do great videos and editing, as well as thumbnails! Please Help me grow and check out my channel, PhobicYT , the profile picture is purple with PH!
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Xorganth Xorganth

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 20, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hi! My channel is PhobicYT and I want to start off by saying I do Advice/Commentaries/Gaming Videos!
Thats like a V.I.P package on Netflix, but free! I do many types of video and I am trying to get noticed and grow now I think I'm good at what I am doing I do great videos and editing, as well as thumbnails! Please Help me grow and check out my channel, PhobicYT , the profile picture is purple with PH!
Another new member to the family. Here Is A Great Big Welcome! I just might have put one of your videos on my website... You can find the URL on my channel...GG Smiles Brings Joy