Tips & Tricks Background noise removal

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Freedom! Member
Jul 23, 2014
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So for many of us YouTubers getting good audio with little to no background noise is hard. So instead of getting the perfect quite place you can just edit out the background noise and improve your content. I don't know about you guys but for me personally i hate watching videos that have lost of background noise. So i would suggest using Audacity to remove background noise after you have recorded your videos. Here's there site

So there's video tutorials on YouTube that can explain how to use it to remove background noise, but ill share what i know on how to do it. If all else fails go find a tutorial.

Step 1: open up your videos audio in Audacity.
Step 2: Find a part where there's no talking or anything else other than background noise.
Step 3: Right click and select the background noise part.
Step 4: Go to the top tool bar to where it says Effect and go to Noise Reduction and open it.
Step 5: Click get noise profile.
Step 6: Select all of the audio this time and go back to Noise Reduction and click ok.
Step 7: Your done! now just save and export the audio and put it back into your video!
But for real people go look up a tutorial on YouTube for this. I'm sure it will explain it a lot better than i did.

Hope this Helps! Any other tips or tricks for audio you guys wanna know? ask me i just might know!


Full Member
Apr 21, 2016
Though I find this guide useful, I find it much easier and even quicker just using Adobe Audition for this by simply amplifying it and automatically adjusting the pitch quality.

Regardless, thanks!