Community Crack-a-Cure Challenge Collab

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Apr 18, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
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Hey, guys! I'm "That Nerd With The Hair" and I suffer from Cystic Fibrosis. So do these two little girls who came up with a great challenge to spread the word about CF! (Watch this video here!)

Although I've never met them, I loved this idea and wanted in on it. Here's how you can help spread the word about CF AND your channel, all while having some (messy) fun!

I want to make a video collage of myself and other youtubers of all sizes performing this challenge, as well as tagging some larger youtubers (and possibly some celebrities) to participate!
There's NO limit to how many people can participate, but I need videos by 11:59pm next Wednesday (May 4th aka Star Wars day!) because I want the video to go up on Thursday!

What you need to do:
  1. Let me know that you're participating!
    I'd like a bit of a heads up before getting your video. Message me about it and I'll tell you where you can send your video when you're done and I'll remind you of the deadline.
  2. Crack an egg any way you can think of (you can break it over your head like I'll do, break it over someone else's head, cook it, drink it, juggle eggs until they break, whatever!) and take a video of it in the correct "format". I'll explain more below. Be creative and have fun with it but most of all keep it safe so no one gets hurt.
  3. Send the video to me and tell me your channel name so I can properly link people to your channel
  4. I will edit all of the videos together into one video, upload it, and link your channels at the end of the video.
  5. In return for featuring you in one of my videos in a fun way, you'll link the finished video on your channel, as well. (If you're not sure how, let me know) May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, so I'd like this video to be linked on your channel for 2-3 weeks in May.
Video Requirements:
  1. Please make sure your microphone, camera, and voice are clear enough that people know what the heck you're saying and doing.
  2. Use this basic format:
    Introduction (ie: Hey, guys! I'm [Your name or channel name]!)
    Quick explanation (ie: I'm going to [how you plan on cracking the egg] to Crack-a-Cure for Cystic Fibrosis!)
    Action (Commence egg-cracking!)
    Reaction (Optional, but whatever laughing, screaming, etc that happens afterward. Cursing will be bleeped out)
  3. If you can't or don't want to pronounce "Cystic Fibrosis", you can either say "65 Roses" or "C.F."
What this will do:
  1. Show you to my followers (and whoever sees the video where I plan to share it)
  2. Show my channel to your followers (by featuring the video on your channel)
  3. Spread awareness for Cystic Fibrosis!