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New User
May 10, 2016
What is going on guys! Just finished editing in my opinion a pretty solid video with a mixture of gameplay, memes, and animation. It was the first time I ever tryed animation in the sense of like a short. If that makes any sense cuz like it makes sense to me lol. The video is kinda lengthy but I do believe there is not one dull moments. I spent 3 days on this said video. Not like 1 hours per day, more like 16. So mean I don't know if that is really long for a video, all I know is I worked my hardest on it. It would be great if at least one person for this sight checked it out, because like I didn't make the video for no to see it y'know. Heres the link:


btw there are only two videos on my new channel. I have been doing youtube on and off since 2009 so like I believe I know what I am doing. Just wanted to warn y'all that theres not a large amount of content on the channel. You should expect more videos soon tho.