FFF Freedom! Forum Fridays - 30th December 2016

  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
  • Remember to read the F.A.Q. before posting in the Support section/Portal!

PK Pearl

Rising User
Dec 30, 2016
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Hello Freedom! Family!
Christmas has been and gone, but we still have things now and soon to come which we will be celebrating.

Before we start, we have been receiving a lot of requests for partners to be unlinked and we would like to remind all of you that the contract that you accepted when partnering with us did state that you must wait 30 days before you will be unlinked from our partnership.

~~~{ News and Announcements }~~~

Voting Time!

It has been a wonderful month, and there have been some wonderful submissions for our December holiday contest, but it is now time to narrow these entries to only 3.
Be ready in the News and Announcements section for the winners of the contest, which should be released on January 5th 2017!

Changes for the better!

Most active users of the Freedom! Forums might have seen a change that happened a few weeks back, so I thought it would be best to highlight this for those who didn't notice.
We need your feedback, so that is why the one and only Koala created a thread with a poll for you to give the Forum Team an idea on your thoughts for the development of the forums.
Jump on and help us out! - https://freedom.community.tm/threads/freedom-forum-restructure.217580/

~~~{ Milestones and Achievements }~~~

One Year Strong!

We like to celebrate many different milestones, that can either be a subscriber, view, minutes, upload or forum milestone, but the best milestone that is worth the most is dedication and commitment.
Freedom! member @Gamenatic exceeded the 1 year anniversary with Freedom!
Let's see how long you have been with us and also why you joined us on that day, it can be one day ago, or over a year like Gamenatic, let's show the commitment that we all hold as Freedom! members, partners and creators!

Sounds like a Christmas gift!

As we move on, dedication continues to prevail as another Freedom! member, known as @LinQoZ Ex has smashed the wonderful 1,000 subscriber mark! It may have been a few days later than Christmas, but it sure must feel like an astonishing present.

~~~{ Best Introduction of the week }~~~

Matthew NPC

Out of all the introductions I have read in the past week, I must say I liked reading @Matthew NPC's introduction thread. He didn't start with his channel, or "sub to me", he started generally, talking about his thoughts about Freedom! at first, having faith, making brilliant progress with weight loss and trying to make the community interact with an ending question.
These are the introductions we want to see all of our users make, this allows us to know you better, by understanding your backstory, your lifestyle and what you enjoy.
Introductions are not for promoting, and that is why I really liked his introduction.

~~~{ Collaborative Resource and Idea Board [C.R.I.B] }~~~

CS-GO Creators - This might help!

We grow as a family, so if you have any resources for the family to use, it would be greatly appreciated. Freedom! Partner @Lleyton Jackson created a CS-GO banner for a YouTube channel for free, with only one easy and simple condition.
If you are going to use it, it would be very respectable to help him out as well, by giving him a small shout out in your video, as we say, we all grow together as a family!
Visit the resource here!


That is it for this week!
Down below, which one of these showcased threads do you think is the most deserving?
We want to highlight the very best of your contributions to the forums, if you have a tip, resource, service, milestone or introduction that you think should be showcased here, feel free to give us suggestions!
It can be your own thread, or someone else's, we as the Freedom! team want to know!
Until next time, stay friendly and have a Happy New Year!
hello, I was just wondering if I was partnered. upload_2017-1-6_14-11-54.png


The Crazy Boi
Retired Moderator
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
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zeke morgan

Retired Moderator
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Dec 8, 2015
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That's a link, I thought I was actually emailing somebody, sorry for so many questions, i'm just a little confused!
No you go to that address, select "open ticket" then sign in with your Freedom profile, then click "submit a request" in the top right hand corner, write out your query and then send it. I know it sounds a bit complicated but it really is easy to use :)