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SirexFX I Gaming

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Sep 21, 2016
Canada, Ontario, Toronto
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I was a little confused if it was the newest video you wanted me to check or

You should probably make you banner a little different from your profile picture. So that it tells us something about the channel, instead of having just a nice looking picture you could have some text saying the name of you channel, maybe a schedule of when new uploads will be uploaded or just something that tells people what the channel is all about.

You should definitely get some playlists going for people who are only interested in one series or some special kind of videos that you are making. It'll just make it easier for them to find what they are looking for on your channel.

In your about page think of something more to put in there. Maybe something that you are planning on doing later, some goals that you wanna achieve on the channel and what date you achieved it.

Your deskriptions & tags could use some more words describing what the videos are about, so more keywords.

Anyways you are a pretty new channel and that is why there is so many things that I am focusing on. I know you can't just start out making the best videos in the world, so i'm just giving you somethings that you should be looking at.

Hope that you could use some of the feedback :)
Thanks For The Feedback I Hope You Subbed And Are Now Part Of The Sirex Army Please Stay An Active Subcriber!!!! :p


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Apr 28, 2016
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Hey, your newest video was really fun to watch and you got some pretty fun moments in it that I really enjoyed.

Your channel home page could use some more stuff. So add some playlists that you like or change the way the videos are displayed. On your about page you have added when you have reached 600 subscribers, but you could also add something about yourself and the channel or even a new goal that you wanna set.

If you are interested in your videos ranking better in search (SEO) then you should also add some more keywords to both your deskriptions and tags. There are multible to help you find tags for you videos. I know it can be hard sometimes to come up with that many tags for my own videos. Naming just a couple there is TubeBuddy or VidIQ

Anyways the rest on you channel seems really good. You got a banner, a video playing at the top, a lot of social media sites so people can choose for themself where to follow you and playlists :)
thank you i added more stuff
ill get around to the rest


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Freedom! Member
Aug 30, 2016
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I would love a review on my channel.
Hey, you have really done a great job optimizing your channel. There is really nothing bad when you give it a first look. So i'm just gonna give you some small tips that you might find useful.

You could turn the saturation up on your thumbnails so that they don't blend in with the same color scheme. In your tags you should bring the most searched or best fitting for you video to the top, which will make them better in SEO. Lastly I would recommend a channel trailer for people who is yet to subscribe to your channel. It gives them an easy fast way of figuring out what you channel is all about.

Else I will say that most of the other things that I look for on other peoples channels is something that you have already done. Hope you could use it for something :)


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Aug 30, 2016
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@Matthew_Satisfaction thanks for the review mate. I know I need a channel trailer my last one was outdated and I just have not gotten the time to focus down and create one. And I will try to change the saturation on the thumbnails. Thanks again for the review and kind words.
Yeah, I understand the thing about the channel trailer. For me I could use a new one, focusing more on showing what my channel is about instead of the one that I have now where i'm only telling what it's about. I think the perfect fit is to both show and tell about you channel.


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Aug 30, 2016
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Choose a video of your liking and review us please.
Tags & Description: Hey, checked out your pokemon go journey video. Like the content of the video, but it could use some more tags and more keywords in the deskription. For the tags you could use VidIQ or TubeBuddy, they help with finding tags that match the video so that i ranks better in search. For the deskription you just have to write what the video is about and it's best if you do so in the top of it.

Channel Trailer: On your channel home page you have your channel trailer for both subscribed and unsubscribed people. It would be better to only show the trailer to people who haven't already subscribed, because those who have subscribe most likely already have seen you channel trailer before doing so. You could instead choose one of your newer and better videos that people coming back to the channel might enjoy & maybe missed.

About Section: You haven't typed in any information on your about page. Honestly I don't know who looks at the about page, but for those who might want to know more about the channel and maybe get some information you didn't give them in the channel trailer you could write in the about section. As well as that you could also put in special subscriber and views milestones and when you achieved them.

Thumbnails: For making your video thumbnail stand out more you could turn op the saturation in whichever photo editing program you use. Makes different series and so on easier to see from the rest of your videos.

Things You Do Great: Playlists, thumbnails, customized home page, social media and having a channel trailer in the first place.
Else pretty nice channel and best of luck in the future :)

BluEdge Chekpoint

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Sep 6, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
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Tags & Description: Hey, checked out your pokemon go journey video. Like the content of the video, but it could use some more tags and more keywords in the deskription. For the tags you could use VidIQ or TubeBuddy, they help with finding tags that match the video so that i ranks better in search. For the deskription you just have to write what the video is about and it's best if you do so in the top of it.

Channel Trailer: On your channel home page you have your channel trailer for both subscribed and unsubscribed people. It would be better to only show the trailer to people who haven't already subscribed, because those who have subscribe most likely already have seen you channel trailer before doing so. You could instead choose one of your newer and better videos that people coming back to the channel might enjoy & maybe missed.

About Section: You haven't typed in any information on your about page. Honestly I don't know who looks at the about page, but for those who might want to know more about the channel and maybe get some information you didn't give them in the channel trailer you could write in the about section. As well as that you could also put in special subscriber and views milestones and when you achieved them.

Thumbnails: For making your video thumbnail stand out more you could turn op the saturation in whichever photo editing program you use. Makes different series and so on easier to see from the rest of your videos.

Things You Do Great: Playlists, thumbnails, customized home page, social media and having a channel trailer in the first place.
Else pretty nice channel and best of luck in the future :)

Yup got to get better with the tags, we are using heartbeat to create tags now. And yea that makes since to only have the trailer to the people who havent subscribed yet. The about section we left blank on purpose because...well....who goes there lol... but I understand your point. We have been told to bring out the colors of our thumbnails so we will do so in the future. And thanks for this feedback, we really do appreciate it big time!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Aug 30, 2016
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YouTube Channel
Yup got to get better with the tags, we are using heartbeat to create tags now. And yea that makes since to only have the trailer to the people who havent subscribed yet. The about section we left blank on purpose because...well....who goes there lol... but I understand your point. We have been told to bring out the colors of our thumbnails so we will do so in the future. And thanks for this feedback, we really do appreciate it big time!
Oh yeah of cause there was also hearthbeat Freedom's! own YouTube modifier. No problem, glad to give it.
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Aug 30, 2016
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Channel Trailer: the most important thing for people to know what to expect from the channel now and in the future.

Banner: almost as important as the channel trailer, because the better first impression your channel makes for new people visiting the higher the chance of them staying.

Playlists: playlists give an easy way for people to find a series or a special kind of video that they like so definitely get some more of those.

Your Channel Home Page: here you can take advantage of some of the new playlists you've been creating. Make it your own by picking out videos that you like above others that you've made and put them in here. People would be more likely to find a video that they probably wouldn't have found otherwise. Be sure to update it along the way as you make new content.

Thumbnails: turn up the saturation and add some text. You want the thumbnails to speak for themselves before people look at the title most of the time. I know not all thumbnails need text, but for most it's a good thing that makes them stand out more. Great with the numbers in the corner though.

About Section: wouldn't make it a priority as I don't really know anyone checking it but it's a good 2 min job and if people want to know more about the channel they can check it out. I've seen that you've filled it out with two lines but I'm sure you could come up with a bit more.

Anyways I'm sure you can get a following as long as you make content that you enjoy producing. Best of luck with thw channel!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Aug 30, 2016
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If there is some new people, who have joined Freedom! since I last posted on this thread, I'll be happy to continue reviewing channels and maybe learn a thing or two myself :)