Request hey guys can i get a channel review ?

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Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
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hey guys I'm a small gaming channel currently 125 subs but am still looking for new ways to improve it would mean a lot if you can check out my channel and if you think its any good maybe tell your friends and help me to grow thank you in advanced

"farcry primal, destsicate, far, cry, primal, farcry4, farcry3, lets, play, walkthrough, lets play, ps4, gameplay, tmartn2, tmartn, alia, morealia, boogie2988, leafyishere, h3h3, tryache, boogieplays, "

Using tags about other youtubers will be bad long term. Your account can possibly be terminated for just that. Working on your descriptions would help as well, making your SEO work better in your favor.
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