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New User
Nov 30, 2019
Los Angeles
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
I live in Los Angeles County!!!
I love to travel for the culture sake. (Italy, Poland, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Jamaica) just to name a few!
I love to Eat, traveling aids in that!I need to lose a few pounds but whatever, that's besides the point.!!!
This is my youtube channel!
Here I can be myself, I love to laugh and make other people laugh! It doesn't matter what I am talking about, just know we will laugh!
I bring forth comedy you can relate to!
When you identify and relate with someone or share an experience, a bond is created! Tell me I am lying!

I hardly post on twitter! But I am going to get better at it! I promise

However, if you want to communicate with me! Instagram is where I am at!!

Okay! now enough about me... just add me already or subscribe or follow or whatever u say.. Just let me know you create too so I can binge watch on you
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