Educational I'm Aron from the Netherlands and "I'm Just Gonna Say It"

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Aron Bijl

New User
Apr 5, 2020
The Netherlands
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Heyhey :),

I am Aron Bijl, 36 years old, and born and raised in the Netherlands. I also spent about half a year in total in the States. I have a degree in Psychology and I am a freelance writer. Since a little bit more than a year I have been actively creating content for YouTube, all bout the fringes of science, the paranormal and spirituality. My Channel's official name is just Aron Bijl, MSc. but the show I do is called "I'm Just Gonna Say It". Things recently started picking up, and I surpassed 300 subs just 2 days ago.
Check out my channel intro: