VLOG Introducing my channel

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Rising User
May 24, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
My name is Caroline, I have a youtube channel where I play games, vlog, and do whatever I feel like doing. I would be happy if you decided to check me out!

I have made videos unregularily for quite a while now, I started to make videos because of anxiety and deppression, to make me think about somthing else. after a while people stated to find my videos amusing.

I will never be really polished, I will have an awkward feel over my videos, because I am an awkward person, but I feel like being myself, and not to polished, is being real with my audience, and it makes a real connection to me, and not a fake me. I will talk about what is on my mind, even if its small things, or more important things.

Right now I am not very big, and for me, its not about being the biggest, but being true to yourself. but I would love to see my channel grow, and to have an active audience that comments and might help me open my mind to new ideas. If I make a video about politics, to have feedback, and other people's opinions and thoughts can help me grow as a person, and others that watch me might also get somthing to think about. I want to open people's minds, make people smile. and I want help to open up my world to others as well.

thank you for giving me a littlebit of your time, and I hope you will take my journey with me.

~Caroline Forest (Kiramuruchan)
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Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
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Hey Caroline , Welcome to the Family !

I'm sorry to hear you suffer from anxiety and depression but keep doing what you enjoy ! you should be yourself in your videos and they will come out better ! :)

You have a very nice goal as well (y) (Y) stay with it and your do well :D

best of luck


Rising User
May 24, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
thanks :) I have found a way to deal my anxiety and stuff. thank you for encouraging words ^^
I will always be myself, I mean, who else am I going to be xD
I checked out your channel, seems like alot of fun! you made me laugh atleast ^^
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Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
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thanks :) I have found a way to deal my anxiety and stuff. thank you for encouraging words ^^
I will always be myself, I mean, who else am I going to be xD
I checked out your channel, seems like alot of fun! you made me laugh atleast ^^

good to hear your doing better and Exactly you have to be you xD !

I'm glad it did :)

have a great day !


Beta Testers
Freedom! Member
Jul 16, 2015
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My name is Caroline, I have a youtube channel where I play games, vlog, and do whatever I feel like doing. I would be happy if you decided to check me out!

I have made videos unregularily for quite a while now, I started to make videos because of anxiety and deppression, to make me think about somthing else. after a while people stated to find my videos amusing.

I will never be really polished, I will have an awkward feel over my videos, because I am an awkward person, but I feel like being myself, and not to polished, is being real with my audience, and it makes a real connection to me, and not a fake me. I will talk about what is on my mind, even if its small things, or more important things.

Right now I am not very big, and for me, its not about being the biggest, but being true to yourself. but I would love to see my channel grow, and to have an active audience that comments and might help me open my mind to new ideas. If I make a video about politics, to have feedback, and other people's opinions and thoughts can help me grow as a person, and others that watch me might also get somthing to think about. I want to open people's minds, make people smile. and I want help to open up my world to others as well.

thank you for giving me a littlebit of your time, and I hope you will take my journey with me.

~Caroline Forest (Kiramuruchan)
Your channel thingy seems to say error. Anyways welcome to the community. I to say be true to yourself. There is always room for improvement right. So best of luck and have fun :p


Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 24, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Hello and welcome! I agree wholeheartedly to staying true to yourself, don't ever lose that! I haven't been here long, probably as long as you, but I think the community here is awesome!


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 18, 2016
Ashland, PA
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My name is Caroline, I have a youtube channel where I play games, vlog, and do whatever I feel like doing. I would be happy if you decided to check me out!

I have made videos unregularily for quite a while now, I started to make videos because of anxiety and deppression, to make me think about somthing else. after a while people stated to find my videos amusing.

I will never be really polished, I will have an awkward feel over my videos, because I am an awkward person, but I feel like being myself, and not to polished, is being real with my audience, and it makes a real connection to me, and not a fake me. I will talk about what is on my mind, even if its small things, or more important things.

Right now I am not very big, and for me, its not about being the biggest, but being true to yourself. but I would love to see my channel grow, and to have an active audience that comments and might help me open my mind to new ideas. If I make a video about politics, to have feedback, and other people's opinions and thoughts can help me grow as a person, and others that watch me might also get somthing to think about. I want to open people's minds, make people smile. and I want help to open up my world to others as well.

thank you for giving me a littlebit of your time, and I hope you will take my journey with me.

~Caroline Forest (Kiramuruchan)

Welcome to the family Caroline, I think weird people are the best becuse they give they real self (Most of times), Well I like to ask what games do you play?


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Nov 13, 2014
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My name is Caroline, I have a youtube channel where I play games, vlog, and do whatever I feel like doing. I would be happy if you decided to check me out!

I have made videos unregularily for quite a while now, I started to make videos because of anxiety and deppression, to make me think about somthing else. after a while people stated to find my videos amusing.

I will never be really polished, I will have an awkward feel over my videos, because I am an awkward person, but I feel like being myself, and not to polished, is being real with my audience, and it makes a real connection to me, and not a fake me. I will talk about what is on my mind, even if its small things, or more important things.

Right now I am not very big, and for me, its not about being the biggest, but being true to yourself. but I would love to see my channel grow, and to have an active audience that comments and might help me open my mind to new ideas. If I make a video about politics, to have feedback, and other people's opinions and thoughts can help me grow as a person, and others that watch me might also get somthing to think about. I want to open people's minds, make people smile. and I want help to open up my world to others as well.

thank you for giving me a littlebit of your time, and I hope you will take my journey with me.

~Caroline Forest (Kiramuruchan)
Welcome to the community Caroline :)

I must agree with the fact that being yourself is the best way to go. Many people handle a alter personality when doing youtube while being yourself, how akward one may be is better in my opinion :D


Rising User
May 24, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Welcome to the community Caroline :)

I must agree with the fact that being yourself is the best way to go. Many people handle a alter personality when doing youtube while being yourself, how akward one may be is better in my opinion :D
I actually got a comment on when I realeased my channel scedule that he has followed me forever, and he things the awkwardness is kinda funny, and it makes it more real, and hoped that I would not get too polished. I reassured him that it would never happen, I am an awakwrd person in real life as well xD that wont change on camera, I might become more comfortable in front of a camera, but awkward is my personality. xD
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