Educational new vid-10 tips for YouTube channels

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Retired Administrator
Mar 1, 2014
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I agree with every tip mentioned in this video!

Actually I often neglect Google+ when it comes to advertising but it can indeed be a very good place to promote and get feedback on your content. Thank you for sharing that one!

I also really agree with number ten, growing a channel can take a long time and a lot of people say they acknowledge it but then they get so demotivated when they grow slowly. It's really important to focus on what you have and not what you don't have when it comes to creating content.

One suggestion I have for your videos is to consider investing in a better microphone. While the on-camera microphone might not be terrible, it's placed far away from you and captures a lot of background noise like sound resonating from the walls. It was very easy to hear you in the video but the quality can be improves significantly with a shotgun microphone or even a lapel microphone!

Keep up the great work @Forever Young23, I look forward to more of your content! I particularly enjoyed this one. :)