Newsletter The Monkey went out to play again....

  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
  • Remember to read the F.A.Q. before posting in the Support section/Portal!



Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another edition of the monthly newsletter, this month's Newsletter is brought to you by the community team, yup that's right, these are the guys & gals you see all over Freedom including the F! Channel, Discord, Facebook, Twitter and the Freedom Forums. You know come to think of it that's a lot of us...

Anyway back to the Newsletter, let's remind you all of the activities and events that happened in April.

"Dealing with 4k1k"
As we all know well, the recent changes to Youtube are nowhere to say, to say the least, and everyone and every other channel has adapted to this change and some of you managed to maintain your partnership and some of you were unfortunately removed, but with this being said, YOU MUST NOT GIVE UP. Now you can attempt to let this defeat you and discourage you from making the content you love but I say this: Why not look at this a positive? "How can this be a positive" It is a positive because now you have another or greater chance to show your passion for videos again, while all the other channels that have given up, leaves more room in the market for you to shine, so think of it like that. When you do, you'll realize that actually, this is an opportunity.

Logan Paul ends daily vlogging
Not particularly thrilling. Well, I suppose it's Logan so we might as well talk about this as in the mainstream media it's big news. When he started his Daily Vlogs series in September 2016 he has built up an audience of 17 million subscribers. After a total of 536 daily vlogs, he has decided that he will not be continuing any more. Which I believe is the result of the backlash that faced at the beginning of the year in January, for his absolute ill and disrespectful behavior which then leads to him losing his Google Preferred ad scheme, but alas I am just a writer, what would I know. To be fair who wants to go around buying much that says "hey, I want to be an unbranded calf or yearling." Merch joke, I know I'm not funny.

YouTube channel pages down for several hours
Yup, you read that right, The world's largest online video site, which is owned by Google, confirmed that channel pages went down for about three hours. To be clear, you could still watch videos on the site -- you just couldn't find them by clicking on channel pages. A YouTube spokeswoman said the pages went down starting around noon PT. They started to reappear around 3 p.m. PT. The news is just so crazy right!

Time to get Social, with Freedom!

Freedom Forums Contest Winner (April 2018)
Did you know who won the Freedom Forums April contest? No? Go find out now just follow this link to go and check that out, I don't really want to spoil it but I can tell you one thing, it's WASNT Logan, or me for that matter... now I'm sad, there was 100$ worth of prizes to be won, Wait a second.

Freedom Forums Competition! (MAY 2018)
That's right do not fret my friend there is another chance to gain 100$ worth of prizes, you just have to go and check out the link here, to find out how to enter, I can actually give you a hint here, so here it is... Channel Trailer, wait that's not a hint.

Freedom's Member Of The Month! (April 2018)
It's that time again were we the members of the Community and Forum team each check out the activity and see who stands out! April's contest winner was @Deathlake for being active on our forums and got a lot of votes from the forum team, proving them as really helpful and valuable member of our community forums! If this doesn't inspire you then remember, whoever gets selected as MotM gains 100 free credits for their hard work, a special shiny badge for a month, your very own spot in our Forum Homepage, a virtual round of applause, the community's love, plus a few other things.

Did you catch the latest FFF?
Well if not, you're missing out. The Freedom Forum Friday is the best place to keep up to date on all thing related to Freedom, sometimes we can't fit everything into the monthly roundup, so that's why the FFF is very crucial to keep updated on, missed it? Find the latest one here.

Milestone & Mentions!
Now we at Freedom believe in honoring any success that our partners or aspiring partners have, and in this section, I wanted to share with you some of these successes that the community has shared with us!

Magikarp Films - Subscriber Milestone
Wow! Magikarp has hit fifty thousand subscribers! That's halfway to a Play button! Congratulations @Magikarp Films !
Check out the thread here.

NinjaZombieGaming - 1000 Videos uploaded!

Wow, that's a lot of rendering and editing time, NinjaZombieGaming has managed to make one thousand videos for his Youtube channel, that's a lot. Congratulations @NinjaZombieGaming , good luck on the next thousand!
Read the thread post here.

Deathlake - 100,000 Views! & 1,000 Subscibers!
Hitting the 4k1k isn't easy so let's celebrate with Deathlake with this huge milestone!
Read the thread here.

tovah - First 60 Subscribers!
Now every channel starts somewhere and what better way to begin your Youtube journey with some encouragement from the community. Congratulations on Sixty Subscribers @tovah, we can't wait to see your next milestone of one thousand Subscribers!

Check out the thread here.

Discord Free Assets?
Did you ever feel that you need help with creating thumbnails and assets to your channel? Well, now the Discord has you sorted! If you are a partner or even if you're not a partner you will still have access to some of the assets provided, remember you need an "Aspiring Partner" role or "Freedom Partner" Role to obtain these. Now that the idea and process are now out of the beta mode, more creations will be made, but only YOU can decide them! So get voting! Check out the Freedom Discord for more information!
Click here for an invite!

Discord video Highlight of the month!


@HealPleaseHeal gave his opinion on the potential of Potion Shops being implemented in the game. These are from the Sea of Thieves art book and showcase many teasers of the potential of potions and crafting. He also looks at jewelry and pipes.

Freedom Upload Highlights!

★Conflict is good! Conflict is great! Conflict is engaging! - Lime

Conflict is another way to keep your viewers watching. Here is how to use it! This series aims to inspire you to have an even greater impact on your audience. It focuses on you as a Youtuber, entertainer, speaker and/or artist and gives you acting tips, rhetoric tips and overall tips for an even better performance in front of the camera or microphone.

★ Responding to YOUR comments: Conflict is good!

This is what you had to say about the last video about conflict! This series aims to inspire you to have an even greater impact on your audience. It focuses on you as a Youtuber, entertainer, speaker and/or artist and gives you acting tips, rhetoric tips and overall tips for an even better performance in front of the camera or microphone.

★ Understanding Crypto for Noobs! - Cryptocurrencies what are they and how do they work?

There is tremendous interest in the cryptocurrency space right now and equal parts confusion, uncertainty, and doubt. Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, ICOs. What do these even mean? With your support, we will continue on with this series and go over all this and more.

★ New Head of MGN Studios - Meet Dave Fracchia!
Dave Fracchia is the new Studio Head of MGN Studios, the game development division of Freedom! In this video, Dave shares his plans for the studio and how you can get involved in making games with us, as a family :)

★ USD 1,957,950 invested in crypto yesterday!

George sent almost $2 million USD to launch our crypto mining farm in Kuwait that will create 50% more revenue than what Freedom! currently makes on YouTube.

Leaked MCN info! - Long overdue updates! - $2 million paid to you!

What, an MCN Leak?!
Howard Pinsky, director of creator marketing at Fullscreen, sent on a public Fullscreen Discord provided conflicting reports. “YouTube is ‘forcing’ all networks to remove creators that are at risk of violating terms of service (copyright issues, misleading thumbnails, etc),” watch the video to find out more!

★ KYC: Know Your Channel - How to keep it safe!

YouTube is focused on quality in 2018 and is terminating many channels that do not follow the rules. KYC: Know Your Channel is a video series by George, CEO, and founder of Freedom!, that teaches you by example how to keep your channel safe.

Thanks for reading!

From the Freedom! Community Team to the entire Freedom! family, we look forward to seeing you around in the community. Best wishes for all of your endeavors and take care. Also, never give up!

Magikarp Films

Rising User
Verified Freedom! Partner
Freedom! Member
► Silver Creator Award
Jan 11, 2017
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cool news. learned a bit from this :D and thanks. didn't think i get on this news letter hahaha