• Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
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Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Sep 10, 2014
Houston, Texas USA
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel

Welcome everyone to another amazing edition of the monthly Freedom Newsletter! A great community deserves a great summary of the past month’s events and happenings which help us all improve and grow!


First we’ll start with some encouraging words from the channel Creator Insider on the effective impact our feedback has inspired on the YouTube Creator Studio Beta.

“And just wanted to say thanks again for everybody who’s taken the time to submit it, I know you guys are all busy and you don’t know where it’s going and if it’s gonna, you know, be any use. It totally is useful! It’s totally valuable. It goes straight to our team. And we really value it because this studio beta as you’re probably noticing, we’re making improvements, you know, every month for sure. And those improvements, really are partly a reflection of the feedback we’ve been getting. So the more feedback we get, the more we can improve the product in a way that will be helpful to you. So, keep that coming and in the meantime, keep it real!” - Tom, Creator Insider.


The winners of the #FreedomTrailers Contest were announced! Congratulations to @HealPleaseHeal and to the two runners up: Ron Lo and David Doperoy - amazing entries all!
Read the thread here.

The #FreedomJuneGiveaway has also been announced and the winners will receive $100 in games and software! Entry is simple and easy - visit the thread below for more details!
Read the thread here.


jammychap - Views Milestone
Congratulations to @jammychap for reaching 200,000 views on their YouTube channel!
Read the thread here.

x9nico_YT - Views Milestone
Wishing an awesome congratulations to @x9nico_YT for reaching 21,000 views on their YouTube channel!
Read the thread here.

iGoDZoFLuiGii - Subscriber Milestone
Celebrating with @iGoDZoFLuiGii for acheiving 500 subscribers on their YouTube channel - awesome!
Read the thread here.

Cmcq80 - Subscriber and Follower Milestone
Cheering on in celebration @Cmcq80 for acheiving 1.11k subscribers on their YouTube channel and for reaching over 200 followers on their Twitch and Twitter pages!
Read the thread here.

Produczz - Subscriber Milestone
Congratulating @Produczz on acheiving 100 subscribers on their YouTube channel - keep up the hard work!
Read the thread here.


George has been hard at work with the Know Your Channel series - helping us all grow and improve our channels and content the right way!

★ KYC #2: Don't delete videos with strikes!
George shares some examples of behavior that YouTube has deemed unacceptable so that we can all learn from them. Deleting videos with Strikes is a bad practice - watch the entire video to find out why!

★ KYC #3: Unlinking channels!
In this video, George gives us examples of both good and bad actors and shows us how to spot and correct any errors we may be making. Watch the video for these helpful tips!

★ KYC #4 - Inside the office!
This is an insiders perspective on how Freedom trains their staff to find the bad actors and explains how the Freedom staff member seek to work with the offending channel owner to correct and cleanup the channel’s content.

★ Why only KYC: Know Your Channel lately?
Here George explains the very important reason for his focus on the KYC series - he is working hard to help the entire #FreedomFamily succeed! See the details in the video!

★ KYC #5 - 3 new rules - Keep your channel safe!
Learn from George’s explanation of three important rules that YouTube is now very strictly enforcing!

★ KYC #6 - New Content ID scan in June 2018!
Here George announces that YouTube will be issuing more Content ID Claims henceforth and that by doing things the right way, these can be avoided.

★ $2 million USD paid to you on May 25, 2018!
Over $2 Million paid to the #FreedomFamily for the all of the hard work from March and April!

★ What is Freedom!? - Should I join or stay?
George explains about the new Freedom Content ID utility, the new shiny new Freedom Dashboard, the Freedom Forums are 60,000+ strong! And some of the amazing benefits of joining and participating in the Freedom Forums. He also talks about an off YouTube revenue stream - available for everyone! And much more!

★ KYC #7: 100 million views - $0 revenue??
In this video, George explains how a video can have 100,000,000 views and not receive any monetized views for the creator! Pay special attention to that one. Hint: it ties into the previous video! He also shows what is and is not Fair Use. And much more...

★ Boost your videos with stories! (Part 1) #FreedomFamily #storytelling
In this video, Lime explains and demonstrates the power for effective storytelling in our videos. Storytelling is an essential tool for successful entertainment!

From the Freedom! Community Team to the entire #FreedomFamily, we look forward to seeing you around in the community being helpful, helped, encouraging and encouraged! Best wishes for all of your endeavors - both on the platforms of social media and IRL. Take care and #NeverGiveUp


Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Sep 10, 2014
Houston, Texas USA
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Nice work Helix! Lots of Know Your Channel updates in the Freedom! channel hopefully most people have an idea of what is and isn't allowed on your channel. If anyone is still unsure if something may not be allowed let us know :)

Thank you, Koala! (y) (Y):)