Gaming What is your favorite game released in 2016?

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Nov 18, 2016
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Since, I was very disappointed with Call of Duty this year, I can't go with Infinite Warfare. I guess I'm going to have to go with Tiatnfall 2 because I loved how much the developer improved on the game. It's much better than the first Titanfall game. I first played Titanfall on the Xbox 360, then Xbox One. I was curious if it was ever coming out for PS4. And yes it did, but it was the second game. Why didn't the first Titanfall come out for PS4 but the second did? Well, that's pretty simple. They didn't know how bad PlayStation gamers wanted to play the game. At least you could get the first game for PC instead of just Xbox. In addition, the second game is on PC as well. Sometimes Xbox may have some games that PlayStation doesn't have, but eventually people will find the game in the Steam store. Now my question to you people, what is your favorite game of 2016?


Rising User
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Sep 30, 2016
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Hmmmm I'm gonna have to go with Overwatch, Dark Souls 3 & (although I have yet to play it nor will I for quite awhile) FFXV , seen the gameplay, seen the reviews and it looks just amazing! Also I small nomination for Indie Games, Darkest Dungeon & Enter The Gungeon

Gods of Odds

It is in early access but it has loads to do and already has a lot added although much more is being added, Tiger Knight Empire War. It's a free to play game on Steam and it is pretty much a mix of Mount and Blade and Dynasty warriors.


New User
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Nov 30, 2016
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I would have to say that Overwatch definitely has best game of 2016 hands down, the game has swallowed up hours and hours of my time and I do not even feel bad about that.
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Filipino Let's Player <Astig>
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Jan 3, 2014
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Cyber Sleuth and Trails of Cold Steel 1 & 2. For Cyber Sleuth, I bought it for PS4 and then PS Vita. And then for Trails of Cold Steel, got it first on Vita and then PS3. Bought all the DLCS and the Collectors Edition.

Solo Fraggers

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dec 5, 2016
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Since, I was very disappointed with Call of Duty this year, I can't go with Infinite Warfare. I guess I'm going to have to go with Tiatnfall 2 because I loved how much the developer improved on the game. It's much better than the first Titanfall game. I first played Titanfall on the Xbox 360, then Xbox One. I was curious if it was ever coming out for PS4. And yes it did, but it was the second game. Why didn't the first Titanfall come out for PS4 but the second did? Well, that's pretty simple. They didn't know how bad PlayStation gamers wanted to play the game. At least you could get the first game for PC instead of just Xbox. In addition, the second game is on PC as well. Sometimes Xbox may have some games that PlayStation doesn't have, but eventually people will find the game in the Steam store. Now my question to you people, what is your favorite game of 2016?
it is Battlefield 1 for sure <3