Gaming What is your favorite game released in 2016?

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Hail Kira

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Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
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Ive been really enjoying VR this year with the HTC Vive... Not really sure what to say is my favorite... Ive played so many different games and I havent really gone into depth with any of them...

Rapid Fury

Full Member
Feb 14, 2016
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Since, I was very disappointed with Call of Duty this year, I can't go with Infinite Warfare. I guess I'm going to have to go with Tiatnfall 2 because I loved how much the developer improved on the game. It's much better than the first Titanfall game. I first played Titanfall on the Xbox 360, then Xbox One. I was curious if it was ever coming out for PS4. And yes it did, but it was the second game. Why didn't the first Titanfall come out for PS4 but the second did? Well, that's pretty simple. They didn't know how bad PlayStation gamers wanted to play the game. At least you could get the first game for PC instead of just Xbox. In addition, the second game is on PC as well. Sometimes Xbox may have some games that PlayStation doesn't have, but eventually people will find the game in the Steam store. Now my question to you people, what is your favorite game of 2016?
Yea man I know what you mean I was disappointed with this years cod too so I got titanfall 2 which I love.I will go check your videos out man but if you could also check my videos out as well that would help me out man but only sub if you enjoy my content[DOUBLEPOST=1481411851][/DOUBLEPOST]
Favorite game of 2016 has to be ether Titanfall 2 or Battlefield 1
Thats a hard choice man. I will check your channel out but if you could do the same that would help me out but only subscribe if you enjoy my videos