Opinion Why Is It Hard To Get Your First 100 Subscribers??

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Is it the hardest part to get your first 100 subscriber on YouTube??

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 86.7%
  • No

    Votes: 2 13.3%

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Rafij Rahman

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Sep 3, 2016
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Hello best friend,

I heard that getting your first 100 subscriber on YouTube is the hardest part to get.So do you agree with this topic??If you than why??.....let me know your opinion about this topic via comment section (Join the poll)

Thanks a lot :)

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Jan 12, 2016
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It's because you are only new and you start to realise that doing YouTube isn't as easy as you think. Now your desperate and it just feels like it's slower. It's also slower because your only new and You are trying to find your fans. In actual fact it's not that harder then any other milestone. Just make good content and never give up.


The Flying Dutchman
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Nov 13, 2014
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The problem with the first 100 is that people get demotivated by the number they see but truth be told i don't find the first 100 tough. Yes progress may go slow but that is not always the case depending on type of content. The hardest part in youtube is keeping on the road. Once you passed the 100 you want to go for 500 and then for 1K. You set new goals each time you pass one and to stay motivated when you don't reach that goal in the time period you thought is what is hard for most people doing youtube.
I for example am more of the enjoyment of doing youtube and don't mind the numbers that come by. As long as i enjoy gaming i will enjoy doing youtube regardless of views or subs, aye it gives me a good feeling when i hit a certain number but i don't see it as a goal to get there making it easier for me to be motivated to continue.
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Oct 6, 2016
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As u said it hard for me too ........... I hope we can help each other over here under ur message
so my channel is all about my Travel by Car, Train, Air and by Foot specially on amazing forest all over the world so as a new freedom
partner i need best tips how can i make grow my channel with ur help so please review and subscribe to my channel, thanks !!!
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The Flying Dutchman
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Nov 13, 2014
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I will be your good freedom family if we sub each other and give some comments so I will follow anyone who can help me and show me the way over here and sub me back ?
The method you are referring too only damages your channel. You can't ask for S4S. What is the purpose in subbing to a channel who makes content you have no interest in?
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Oct 6, 2016
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The problem with the first 100 is that people get demotivated by the number they see but truth be told i don't find the first 100 tough. Yes progress may go slow but that is not always the case depending on type of content. The hardest part in youtube is keeping on the road. Once you passed the 100 you want to go for 500 and then for 1K. You set new goals each time you pass one and to stay motivated when you don't reach that goal in the time period you thought is what is hard for most people doing youtube.
I for example am more of the enjoyment of doing youtube and don't mind the numbers that come by. As long as i enjoy gaming i will enjoy doing youtube regardless of views or subs, aye it gives me a good feeling when i hit a certain number but i don't see it as a goal to get there making it easier for me to be motivated to continue.
I agree man. Lots of people quit youtube because they think it's an easy way to make money and its easy overall . However that is the wrong approach and you should do youtube because you love it. Also people are not willing to grind hard for it and this requires lots of patience and consitency. Its like you are trying to learn a guitar and want to be the next Jimi Hendrix over night, but that is like impossible if you never play a guitar before. So just keep making great content and build a relationship with your fans, and the subscribers would come.


The Flying Dutchman
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Nov 13, 2014
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I agree man. Lots of people quit youtube because they think it's an easy way to make money and its easy overall . However that is the wrong approach and you should do youtube because you love it. Also people are not willing to grind hard for it and this requires lots of patience and consitency. Its like you are trying to learn a guitar and want to be the next Jimi Hendrix over night, but that is like impossible if you never play a guitar before. So just keep making great content and build a relationship with your fans, and the subscribers would come.
Now that is a comment i can along with! Good to see there are still people who feel the same way and indeed most people think youtube is easy money wich isn't and also should not be the reason to be doing youtube.
Looking at my own channel i am basic as i can only make Gameplay, yes i have a mic but i also have 2 kids screaming in my ears. Due to that approach i know i won't become booming on youtube and in all honesty i don't mind. I love to sit back, livestream and chat with those who can accept my way of making content, so far i enjoy it for almost 4 years and probably will for the next years coming up :)


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Oct 6, 2016
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Now that is a comment i can along with! Good to see there are still people who feel the same way and indeed most people think youtube is easy money wich isn't and also should not be the reason to be doing youtube.
Looking at my own channel i am basic as i can only make Gameplay, yes i have a mic but i also have 2 kids screaming in my ears. Due to that approach i know i won't become booming on youtube and in all honesty i don't mind. I love to sit back, livestream and chat with those who can accept my way of making content, so far i enjoy it for almost 4 years and probably will for the next years coming up :)
Thats is good man. 4 years of grinding and also there is always room to improve. You should get like a stickers or some sort of recognition for your dedication lol
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The Flying Dutchman
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Nov 13, 2014
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Thats is good man. 4 years of grinding and also there is always room to improve. You should get like a stickers or some sort of recognition for your dedication lol
Thanks for the kind words but in theory it is nothing special, as a gamer i just enjoy my hobby and livestreaming has become one of them.
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Rafij Rahman

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Sep 3, 2016
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It's because you are only new and you start to realise that doing YouTube isn't as easy as you think. Now your desperate and it just feels like it's slower. It's also slower because your only new and You are trying to find your fans. In actual fact it's not that harder then any other milestone. Just make good content and never give up.

Yea that's also my point :)

Yes I find it hard too.

Thanks for your opinion :)

Just turn off the sub count, all it does it hurt your morale.

Hahaha.....ok :p

The problem with the first 100 is that people get demotivated by the number they see but truth be told i don't find the first 100 tough. Yes progress may go slow but that is not always the case depending on type of content. The hardest part in youtube is keeping on the road. Once you passed the 100 you want to go for 500 and then for 1K. You set new goals each time you pass one and to stay motivated when you don't reach that goal in the time period you thought is what is hard for most people doing youtube.
I for example am more of the enjoyment of doing youtube and don't mind the numbers that come by. As long as i enjoy gaming i will enjoy doing youtube regardless of views or subs, aye it gives me a good feeling when i hit a certain number but i don't see it as a goal to get there making it easier for me to be motivated to continue.

Yeap I agree with you....thanks for your opinion :)
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Mar 3, 2016
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I think is because of the amount of competitors that you can find in YouTube. What you should do is creating a unique or crazy never before ideas melted into a video with interesting thumbnails to earn more subscribers from your good content!

Rafij Rahman

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Sep 3, 2016
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I think is because of the amount of competitors that you can find in YouTube. What you should do is creating a unique or crazy never before ideas melted into a video with interesting thumbnails to earn more subscribers from your good content!

Yeap you're right mate...a unique idea & eye catching thumbnail can help you a lot....thanks for the opinion :)

Steam Controller Gaming

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Oct 1, 2016
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I agree with everyone here so far, so don't have much to add, except that I disagree somewhat with the post about finding a "unique and crazy" idea for a channel. That can definitely be a way to gain subscribers and views, but I think the most important thing about it long-term is that you like what you do. If making a video becomes a process that you dread due to always having to do something in a certain niche, you might just give up on it.

That's not to say that you can't have two channels though, one for whatever you enjoy and one that is unique and out there and gets views for being so. Originality definitely helps catch viewers attentions, but I for one would rather do what I enjoy and hopefully convey some originality/uniqueness through my personality. That way I can do what I enjoy and it won't ever seem forced.
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Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
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May 8, 2014
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Hello best friend,

I heard that getting your first 100 subscriber on YouTube is the hardest part to get.So do you agree with this topic??If you than why??.....let me know your opinion about this topic via comment section (Join the poll)

Thanks a lot :)
It's hard because everyone needs to start somewhere. At first, you need the right equipment, the right video series, personality, and other factors. There is a ton of competition that many people forget about as well. Starting is hard at first, but it starts to pay off when you get some experience ^^


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Oct 5, 2016
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Hey, in my opinion it only took me 3 weeks to get my first one hundred because I provided support to those who interacted with me. Find small you tubers just like you and interact with them my friend. George is awesome with providing details, and he's absolutely right. If there is anything I could do to help please let me know!