Opinion Why Is It Hard To Get Your First 100 Subscribers??

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Is it the hardest part to get your first 100 subscriber on YouTube??

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 86.7%
  • No

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters


Full Member
Mar 24, 2016
Washington state, United States
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I agree with everything everyone has had so far. I've found it hard to reach 100 subscribers (which hasn't happened yet), but my channel goes through growth spurts and then periods of no growth. Even though I haven't found success in subscribers, I've found a few communities of really great people and I've had so much fun making videos and learning about cameras and editing. Looking at where I was last year as a creator, I have grown a lot.

That's what YouTube should really be about. Growing your skills, meeting new people, and having fun. I've done those things, and I'm happy doing it. Just keep making content and connecting with your existing subscribers. I don't know what makes someone successful on YouTube, but I know what makes it fun.

Rafij Rahman

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Sep 3, 2016
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I agree with everyone here so far, so don't have much to add, except that I disagree somewhat with the post about finding a "unique and crazy" idea for a channel. That can definitely be a way to gain subscribers and views, but I think the most important thing about it long-term is that you like what you do. If making a video becomes a process that you dread due to always having to do something in a certain niche, you might just give up on it.

That's not to say that you can't have two channels though, one for whatever you enjoy and one that is unique and out there and gets views for being so. Originality definitely helps catch viewers attentions, but I for one would rather do what I enjoy and hopefully convey some originality/uniqueness through my personality. That way I can do what I enjoy and it won't ever seem forced.

Thanks for your opinion....& best of luck you're very close to 100 :)

It's hard because everyone needs to start somewhere. At first, you need the right equipment, the right video series, personality, and other factors. There is a ton of competition that many people forget about as well. Starting is hard at first, but it starts to pay off when you get some experience ^^

I agree with you....that's because you are totally new to this platform...you have to build an audience,build a community & that takes time :)

Hey, in my opinion it only took me 3 weeks to get my first one hundred because I provided support to those who interacted with me. Find small you tubers just like you and interact with them my friend. George is awesome with providing details, and he's absolutely right. If there is anything I could do to help please let me know!

I thing success is something that not equal for everyone.Some might get success in 2-3 weeks & for some it may take 2-3 months.But you earned a great achievement.Best of luck friend.Hope you reach your next milestone soon :)
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Rafij Rahman

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Sep 3, 2016
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I agree with everything everyone has had so far. I've found it hard to reach 100 subscribers (which hasn't happened yet), but my channel goes through growth spurts and then periods of no growth. Even though I haven't found success in subscribers, I've found a few communities of really great people and I've had so much fun making videos and learning about cameras and editing. Looking at where I was last year as a creator, I have grown a lot.

That's what YouTube should really be about. Growing your skills, meeting new people, and having fun. I've done those things, and I'm happy doing it. Just keep making content and connecting with your existing subscribers. I don't know what makes someone successful on YouTube, but I know what makes it fun.

That's great mate...you're so close to 100....best of luck mate :)


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jun 23, 2016
What makes it so hard to get your first hundred subscribers is because that there are so many other YouTubers that do the exact same thing like you are doing and it takes a lot of work to get there, and if you don't know how to really do it, like adding proper tags, and have a good title, you'll never attract new views to your channel and wont make your channel big...

I use a good add-on in Chrome named "VidIQ" which has a tagging system showing the popular tags and such, I suggest you to get it too ;) It'll help.

Rafij Rahman

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Sep 3, 2016
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What makes it so hard to get your first hundred subscribers is because that there are so many other YouTubers that do the exact same thing like you are doing and it takes a lot of work to get there, and if you don't know how to really do it, like adding proper tags, and have a good title, you'll never attract new views to your channel and wont make your channel big...

I use a good add-on in Chrome named "VidIQ" which has a tagging system showing the popular tags and such, I suggest you to get it too ;) It'll help.

Even I am using it...& it's really helpful...thanks for the tips mate:)


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Freedom! Member
Oct 5, 2016
Philadelphia, PA
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Thanks for your opinion....& best of luck you're very close to 100 :)

I agree with you....that's because you are totally new to this platform...you have to build an audience,build a community & that takes time :)

I thing success is something that not equal for everyone.Some might get success in 2-3 weeks & for some it may take 2-3 months.But you earned a great achievement.Best of luck friend.Hope you reach your next milestone soon :)
Thanks dude


The Flying Dutchman
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Nov 13, 2014
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Truer words have never been spoken. Numbers come and go. But if you enjoy what you are doing then the numbers don't really matter.
Aye true words indeed. Nowadays many are too fed up with numbers wich is something wich changes from to time be it positive be it negative.

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
To put it into the simplest form that I can:
People are reluctant to subscribe to someone without a proven track record.

As you get more subscribers, you're building your record and proving your ability to an already existing audience by posting more and more good content. It's why big YouTubers don't have trouble gaining new subscribers. Besides, subscribers are but a number in this time where they are gamed so easily.

Rafij Rahman

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Sep 3, 2016
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To put it into the simplest form that I can:
People are reluctant to subscribe to someone without a proven track record.

As you get more subscribers, you're building your record and proving your ability to an already existing audience by posting more and more good content. It's why big YouTubers don't have trouble gaining new subscribers. Besides, subscribers are but a number in this time where they are gamed so easily.
Yeap I agree with you :)